My spirit contacts began around the year 1970 after my father’s passing in 1968. They took the form of what we now call lucid dreams. In them I was often sitting with him as he told me things like, “Try to imagine I’ve gone on a long holiday”. A few others followed at lengthy intervals, and combined with my wide reading in the esoteric, occult and metaphysical literature, by the 1980’s I felt quite educated in those matters. Some of the dreams suggested I was being guided and taught, and I had read enough to know the signs. I waited patiently for a revelation. Eventually it came, but not in the form I had expected. The crop circle phenomenon of the ’90s grabbed me by the neck and I couldn’t stay away from southern England. By the new millenium I knew I had been changed forever.
In 1998/99 my sporadic lucid dreams had morphed into nightly OBE adventures, ones I recorded in my first book “Eternal Life And How To Enjoy It “, published in 2004.
Currently, I am a long time videoblogger at www.youtube.com/thewordofgord. My 12 years of text blogs can be found at https://anotherwordofgord.wordpress.com. My facilitation practice continues, & includes regressions (past and LBL), life readings, spirit guidance & distance healing.
Browse Gordon Phinn’s Books on Amazon
Posts by Gordon
- The Travelling Self
- Several New Astral Travel Books
- Using Hypnagogia To Project & Rescue
- Three Short Unplanned Contacts
- Exploring Consciousness
- Why Consciousness?
- The Soul Explorers
- Learning AP Retrieval From Machaelle Small Wright
- The Transience Of Experience
- Balancing Idealism With Knowing
- More On Channeled Wisdom
- Self-Consciousness Becomes The Observer
- Seeing The Map Before You Arrive
- Nobody Saw Me
- Life’s Meaning And Its Knowing
- Why Enemies Seem Necessary
- Learning AP Retrieval From John L. Brooker
- Learning AP Retrieval From Ann Merivale
- Astral Retrievals and Planetary Consciousness
- Attempted Retrieval In Gaza Tunnel System
- Learning AP Retrieval From Lorna Todd and Henry
- Learning Astral Projection Soul Retrieval
- Learning Astral Projection Retrievals From Bruce Moen
- Moving Through Many Dimensions: a memoir, more or less
- All The Options
- The Choice To Be Born
- Astral Projection • A Special Mission
- Astral Projection Retrieval Efforts
- All That Stuff
- Gaza Hospital Blast Astral Projection Retrieval
- Astral Projection & Retrievals In War Zones
- The Passing Moment
- 4am Anxieties and the Observer
- Joy and Serenity
- Trouble in Paradise
- Surveying The Channeled Literature
- Spotlight on Heroes and Villains
- Out-of-Body Journals 2023
- My Role As Facilitator
- Balancing The Forces Of Creation and Destruction
- Creativity, The Mental Plane & DMT Elves
- Waking Up To Walking In
- Predictions of Apocalypse and Destructive Weathers
- Psychic Sensitivities
- The Perfection Of The Moment
- The Word of Gord on the Afterlife
- The Meaning of Life
- A Killer Dealt With Kindness
- Facing Up To Infinity
- An Existential Dilemma
- Giving Up The Gurus
- Overactive Astral Bodies
- An American in Heaven
- Our Best Interests
- Visiting Others in The Astral
- Thought Forms and Fear
- The Intellect and the Spirit
- Is There a Real Self?
- Releasing Attachment to Ritual and Practice
- Why Desire Deserves To Be Satisfied
- All Time is Now
- The Fate of Dissidents
- Drives Me Crazy
- Why Fears Are Reinforced
- The Memories Remembering Me
- Immortality Unleashed
- Spontaneous Enlightenment
- A Second Visit to Source
- Being There Knowing
- All Doubts Disappearing
- How We Become Convinced
- More Adventures In Eternity: The Afterlife Trilogy Part Two
- The Stroke That Saved My Life
- Surrounded By Stories
- The God Consciousness
- Moments Of Knowing
- Reflections on Retrieval Work
- My Husband Had Me Murdered
- Having All Your Questions Answered
- Delaying The Inevitable
- Our Perceptions of Ourselves
- Meditation and Astral Projection
- More On: The Ancient Plan
- Spirit Communication as a Path
- Glimpses of the Ancient Plan
- The Prisons of Belief
- Please Be Patient!
- Sudden, Unexpected Projections
- Discussions of God
- Seeing the Balance
- Stability Before and After
- Expanding Perceptions and Powers
- Graduates and Ascended Masters
- Applying the Wisdom
- Closing The Circuit
- The Adventures We Don’t Recall and Why
- Night and Day
- Laughing At Ourselves
- Just Another Place To Be
- Enlightenment… and What Then?