Many people have experienced a “wake up call”. This is a time when something very significant happened that changed their entire outlook on life. The call is usually surrounded by immense pleasure and joy so intense it’s called ecstasy by the experiencer. Sometimes this life changing event happens to initially “wake” someone from their focus on 3D reality. Other times the call comes when the experiencer has been wanting an answer, or a clarification, about this physical lifetime on earth. When you get a “wake up call” you will never forget it!
Write a post for our Wake Up Series if you’ve had your own, “Wake Up Call”.

Sacred Geometry Symbols: Their Power and Meaning
Sacred Geometry symbols are considered the building blocks of the universe, representing the underlying order and connectivity of all creation.

The Nature of Existence and The Power of Personal Reality
Reality is a fluid, ever-changing creation that each of us plays a part in shaping through our consciousness.

The Soul Explorers
Listen to The Soul Explorers Podcast with Gary Langley and Sally Taylor where Gordon Phinn discusses lucid dreaming, out of body experiences, soul retrievals, channeling and more.

Psychic Nonsense
In my younger years, we never talked about psychics, at least not in polite conversations and certainly not openly in public. Instead, these discussions took place in the hushed tones of secretive conversations. These whispered voices told stories of mystics and psychics who could tell the future or reach into your life and disclose details only you would know.

Visions of a Parallel Reality
In the sky, I began seeing amazing shapes and colors that looked like something out of a piece of art. I felt a sense of love and acceptance, like there a loving presence watching over me. It was like colorful shapes and energy moving and shining above me.

A Journey to the Supermoon
The full Harvest Moon reached its brightest point just before dawn on September 29th, 2023. It was the final supermoon in 2023 and was a special cosmic event because it was joined by Jupiter, Saturn, and Mercury. It was the perfect night to travel to the moon.

Astral Projection into the Mirror
Yesterday, I dedicated my entire day to preparing for astral travel. Throughout the day, I repeated a specific affirmation: “I will have a conscious astral projection tonight and remember every detail”. By continuously affirming this intention, I effectively communicated my desires to my subconscious mind. I didn't specify a particular destination or experience in my affirmation, instead I wanted to allow the astral journey to unfold naturally, embracing whatever the universe had in store for me.

Pre-birth Planning • Do We Come With a Blueprint?
Lately, the concept of pre-birth planning has crossed my path repeatedly in several articles. After perusing diverse viewpoints on the matter, I'm inclined to share my own perspective regarding the notion of preplanning a blueprint for one's life.

Our Multifaceted Existence
How can people that have died physically live in spirit in the afterlife, be reincarnated, and have memories of past and future lives all at one time?

Exactly Where You Are is Where You Should be
There is a Divine Order to everything in life. It is for this reason that exactly where you are at any given time in life is exactly where you should be according to the divine unfolding of your consciousness and life.

I Blasted Out Of My Body
My energy and mind were pulled out of my body with what felt like an intense pull from the center of my chest. I blasted out of my body.

Unveiling the Enigma: Why Amnesia Masks Our Realm of Existence
We are eternal beings living a lifetime on Earth for the purpose of soul growth and experience. We have lived many lives in the physical and non-physical realms, by choice, but we can’t remember them. The reason for our amnesia is not such a perplexing mystery.

Channeling The Creator
I connected with, The Creator in a channeling session. It was an experiment and I questioned if it would work at all but to my surprise and utter joy, I did receive answers that I'm very confident came directly from, The Creator!

A Message from Across the Dimensions
I received this message to humanity from a higher dimensional being. I was blown away with the message I received. It's a reminder that we share a profound connection with all of our brothers and sisters in the stars.

Unlocking the Path to Transdimensional Knowledge
Humanity has always been intrigued by the possibility of accessing knowledge from realms beyond our own. The concept of channeling information from beings in other realities has captivated the human imagination. Through an open-minded approach and an understanding of the underlying principles, you can unlock the path to transdimensional knowledge.

The Reason For Our Lives
It does not matter how I received this message or where it comes from. The important thing is the content of the message. It will help you to get to know the reason why you are here, and the reason why certain things happen to you." ~ Vicent Guillem

Living in the Matrix
I was at the pinnacle of my existence and then I felt a storm in my head with intrusive and anxious thoughts that were getting to me and that I did not like. My mortality, my will to die, my discontentment with myself, the failure I felt and how all of this was an illusion.

My Astral Projection Using Psychedelic Mushrooms
There was a dematerialization of the body. I was surprised with my reflection in the mirror. I had a feeling of standing by my side instead of inside my body. Gradual fragmentation of reality began and my mind transferred to another universe.

Spirit of White Buffalo
In 2015, while attending a Reiki/Crystal Bowl healing meditation in Fort Myers, Florida, something strange happened. I found myself in unfamiliar territory, face to face with an important and historical icon from the Lakota Sioux Nation—White Buffalo.

A Journey into my Soul: My Ayahuasca Experience
I decided to experience an Ayahuasca ceremony to give myself the healing power this plant medicine has to offer. I read a lot about this topic both from a South American Indigenous point of view, and a Western point of view. I did my homework so to say. Here's my powerful experience

The Multiverse Poured Into My Soul
I had been having electric body bliss during chakra meditations almost every day for months. Then something else occurred that seemed not from myself. Someone talked about a different meditation I wanted to try, a microcosm/macrocosm.

All The World’s a Stage
A spiritual journey is not for sissies and will be counter to everything and everyone before you. But, it is the road you must take. It is why you are on this big rock right now. It is the only reason.

The Zen Experience
The world as I knew it collapsed in an instant! Time stood still, and space disappeared! There was no time and space, no I and you, no inside and outside! I had a glimpse of the world of Zen. I could only describe it as a thunder-and-lightning realization that the universe is a palpable WHOLE!

The Intelligent Ball of Light
My first encounter occurred when I was eight years old, after a near-fatal drowning. My second and most significant experience began on a typical early morning fall day in Southern California, I was asleep next to my wife when I was suddenly awakened out of a deep sleep by a sensation of an ominous presence in the room. It was as if someone or something had entered our bedroom and was standing in the doorway staring at us.

My Wake Up Call: The Cosmic Object
My Wake Up Call is a series about incredible, life changing events that open a person’s “spiritual eyes” for the first time or provide answers to important questions about the nature of reality. If you’ve had a call, you will never forget it!

Projections of Physical Reality
Our physical bodies are very specialized. They are perfect for experiencing life in the physical. They allow us to feel many things that can’t be experienced in the non-physical. The feeling of touch, the strong emotions, the experience of the survival instinct are very different in a physical body. We learn through our experiences with these bodies, AND, they keep us in the game of creating our reality here on earth in these lifetimes. But how does this happen? How do we create a world that feels so real and so material?

The Root of Fear
The root of all anxiety and phobias is a fear of death. It’s easy to be fearful of much more than we should in a world so filled with violence but fear is strictly physical.

Spontaneous Enlightenment
There are numerous accounts of spontaneous enlightenment spread throughout the mystical and esoteric literary archives. With little or no warning people have found themselves erupting into a new and expanded consciousness that could be as overwhelming as it was revelatory. Suddenly they seemed to be living in a new country with some kind of multidimensional awareness they were little prepared for. Adapting was a fierce struggle but somehow the only option. Shrinking back to safety seemed impossible.

My Wake Up Call: Beyond the Veil
I cannot say that anything disappeared. On the contrary, a veil was taken away from my eyes and I saw a different reality, an unfiltered one for which my mind did not hold the capacity.

My Wake Up Call: A Spiritual Jackpot
I felt fire, was warm, hot and full of light and couldn’t stop laughing (an inner laugh, a silent laugh full of love and devotion) – a sort of full body orgasmic experience of heart-opening love and light and relief, as though the meaning of the universe had fallen upon me…

My Wake Up Call: I Am The White Light
I was unexpectedly overtaken by a white light that seemed to originate from within my body. The light shot up through the center of my body and out the top of my head in a single column, taking my awareness with it. There was a sensation of movement and traveling up and out of the body and even this reality.

My Wake Up Call: Unforgettable Moments
Life consists of single actions that create cascades of reactions that weave across the fabric of time. Most actions are inconsequential, but for some of us, those actions define us. You can put your finger on it, that indelible instant when everything changed. My unforgettable moment was August 28, 2013.

My Wake Up Call: We Are Stardust
Edgar Mitchell described his mystical experience, which occurred on his way back to earth after nine hours of working on the moon’s surface in his wake up call.

My Wake Up Call: Pure Ecstasy and Bliss
My Wake Up Call is a series about incredible, life changing events that open a person’s “spiritual eyes” for the first time or provide answers to important questions about the nature of reality. If you’ve had a call, you will never forget it!

My Wake Up Call: I Saw The True Nature of Reality
Many people have experienced a “wake up call”. This is a time when something very significant happened that changed their entire outlook on life. The call is usually surrounded by immense pleasure and joy so intense it’s called ecstasy by the experiencer.

My Wake Up Call: The Day I Opened My Spiritual Eyes
Join us as we begin a new series about the exact moment when people had a spiritual wake-up call that changed their entire life.

Are you a Spiritual Warrior?
A Spiritual Warrior seeks to learn the truth thus shedding light on ignorance and becoming free through greater levels of self-awareness.

My Near Death Experience
It seemed like time stopped as I felt myself fly from my car and then I was surrounded by people. I was laying on the street and there were people all around me. They were speaking to me very calmly, asking me if I wanted to be finished with my current physical life. I said that I absolutely did want to be finished

A Wake Up Call
You know how those nights are when you’re singing a favorite song loud and not paying much attention to anything else but the drive and the glorious music in your ears? That was such a night. I drove fast around the curves, never having to slow because traffic was so light. The yellow sodium vapor lights all along the beltway cast a strange color on the night.
Do We Create the Universe or Does the Universe Create Us?
To unravel this mystery, we must explore the nature of creation, the role of consciousness, and the dynamic interplay between the observer and the observed.