Natural Healing and Health Alternatives

The Day My Heart Stopped • What It Felt Like To Die
I was walking home from work one evening when I felt an intense pain in my chest. It was sudden and overwhelming, unlike anything I'd ever experienced.

Never Lose Your Ego
The concept of the ego is one of the most debated and analyzed topics in psychology, philosophy, and even everyday conversation. To understand the human ego, it is essential to delve into its origins, functions, and implications on our daily lives.

10 Foods That Help with Altered States of Consciousness
In the quest for heightened awareness and improved mental clarity, the foods we consume play a pivotal role. Our diet not only fuels our bodies but also has a profound impact on our mental and emotional well-being.

The Power of Crystals: Enhancing Energy and Well-being
Crystals interact with the human energy field, or aura, and can help to balance, amplify, and direct energy. Crystals, with their unique vibrational frequencies, resonate with and affect our own energies in various ways.

Fake It Till You Make It • The Power of Acting Happy
Happiness is a complex emotion influenced by various factors such as genetics, life circumstances, and personal choices. While achieving happiness may seem elusive at times, an intriguing concept suggests that the simple act of behaving as if you are happy can actually lead to genuine feelings of happiness.

Aligning Yourself with Planet Earth
Heal your body, calm your mind, and refresh your spirit by aligning with planet Earth.

The Loneliness Paradox: Alone in a Crowded Online World
Are we genuinely as happy as our perfect online life appears to be? Or are we living in a world of lonely people trying to fill the void with virtual applause?

Infusing Your Food with Magic
Food is not merely fuel for our bodies; it is a source of nourishment that can have a profound impact on our physical and emotional well-being. While we often focus on the nutritional content of our meals, there is another aspect to consider—the energy and intentions we bring to our food. When you bless your food with good intentions and gratitude, you will feel the magic!

Creating a Sacred Space with Feng Shui
Tranquility and balance are important to your well-being. The place you spend most of your time should be setup to maximize your wellness, joy, and energy. One age-old practice to bring harmony into your space is Feng Shui.

Your Constant Connection to Universal Consciousness
In our physical bodies we believe that our eyes see images first when we look at something in our physical world but this is not true. We first see through our conscious connection to all through the somatosensory cortex and then our physical eyes get the picture last.

Serenity in Flames: A Candle Meditation
Through the gentle illumination of a candle flame, this meditation invites you to discover a sanctuary of serenity within yourself.

Embracing Joy: A Guide to Infuse Happiness into Your Life
Finding joy can sometimes feel like an elusive pursuit in a world where social media rules the day and people hardly ever get together with other people. However, cultivating happiness and bringing joy into your life is not only possible but also essential for your overall well-being.

Living Water
Structuring the molecules in your drinking water turns your water into healthy, living water. It's easy to structure your water with crystals. The energy in crystals brings water back alive!

How to See and Read the Aura in 3 Minutes
In just under 3 minutes you can begin to see the aura field that surrounds each of us. This energy field can show someone's mood and emotions. It can help to find health issues for healing.

Universe 25
In 1968 John Calhoun did a mouse experiment to show the effects of overpopulation. His experiments are a direct parallel to our society today. Could we be at the end of our human civilization?

Living in the Matrix
I was at the pinnacle of my existence and then I felt a storm in my head with intrusive and anxious thoughts that were getting to me and that I did not like. My mortality, my will to die, my discontentment with myself, the failure I felt and how all of this was an illusion.

The Palmistry Guide
Palmistry has been practiced for thousands of years. Your character can clearly be understood by analyzing the physical features on your palms and your destiny can be revealed.

Origins Unknown
This mysterious stone has been on the planet for more than two billion years. Long before there was organic life on the planet, this stone came to earth from origins unknown. There is nothing like it on the planet and no other stone, crystal, or even vitamin C can come close to it's health benefits

A Journey into my Soul: My Ayahuasca Experience
I decided to experience an Ayahuasca ceremony to give myself the healing power this plant medicine has to offer. I read a lot about this topic both from a South American Indigenous point of view, and a Western point of view. I did my homework so to say. Here's my powerful experience

Insects, Birds, and Animals Walking in Circles
Something quite strange is going on all over the world right now. Animals and insects by the thousands are walking in circles.

9 Ways to Feel More Joy
"The soul is here for its own joy." ~ Rumi When we practice present-moment awareness, we can savor each moment, make time feel like it’s passing slower, and get in touch with the fundamental wonder of being alive.

Fire Release Ceremony
Fire ceremony has been practiced for thousands of years in many medicine traditions. It’s usually held around the full or new moon of each month when the veils between the worlds are the thinnest. But you don't need a shaman to benefit from this simple way to manifest.

The Root of Fear
The root of all anxiety and phobias is a fear of death. It’s easy to be fearful of much more than we should in a world so filled with violence but fear is strictly physical.

Exploring Cancer Through Astral Projection
It's taken me over a year to write about this experience. I have wanted to write about this many times but how do you tell people that you traveled inside of your own cancer tumor?

Your Destiny is Written in Your Palms
Palmistry is one of the oldest forms of divination. Your hands really do tell you about your past and what may lie ahead for you. Your fate is in your hands! Find out what your destiny is with this palm chart.

How to Make Healthy Structured Water for your Body, Mind and Energy
Structuring the molecules in the water you drink and making healthy hexagons is good for the body, the mind, and your energy levels. Here's how to do it.

My Time in a Deprivation Tank
Sensory deprivation; not being able to see, hear, or even feel, that’s the experience of floating in very salty water, alone and in complete darkness. Joe Rogan said he felt like his own experience in a deprivation tank felt like the strongest psychedelic drug he had ever experienced. I would have to agree with Joe.

America: Here’s Why You Are Fat
I struggled with my weight my entire life. I was fat as a kid; I stayed fat as a teenager. Even in my teen years, my mother explained it away as baby fat. Then I ended up with the most enormous boobs in high school. Later I learned this gift was from an aunt on my dad's side who passed along this gene...

Ocean Breathing
Ocean Breathing is a form of breathing that will put you into trance easily and quickly. You can do this easy self-hypnosis breathing technique anywhere, anytime and it really works to put you into an altered state to use before your meditations or other explorations.

My First Two Angels
I wish I could find the two flight attendants on that flight to Chicago from Las Vegas. I'm confident this was one of the strangest days in either of their lives. I would love to find them to tell them what really happened, even though they would have a difficult time swallowing it; it would explain everything.

The Electric Human
Streetlights go out when I walk under them. I get a shock when I open my car door and can see sparks of energy when I rub my hand across fabrics. Interference with electronics happens when I am excited, charged and loaded with a lot of emotional energy. Other people that share this ability report that high emotion plays a key role in their experiences too. When they are upset, angry or simply very excited, the phenomena really kicks in.

Blue Spaces
Humans have been attracted to water for time immortal. We are mostly made of water and so is our planet. Water brings us life, food, fun, relaxation and well being.

How to Manifest Real Change
Your thoughts create your life so why not use your thoughts to manifest change? This is a quick and very effective way to manifest change.

What Crystal Do You Need Right Now?
What crystal do you need in your life right this minute? Take the Crystal Quiz to find out. Crystals ground the human body and bring on a sense of well-being.

Barefoot on Planet Earth
Got inflammation, autoimmune issues, wounds that need healing, disease or depression? Are you looking for a simple and natural way to treat and prevent all of those health problems?

What is Qi? – 6 Ways to Boost It
Each one of us has an energetic force called our Qi (chi). This life force is what makes us feel alive, balanced and vibrant. Qi gives us our sense of well-being so having a strong and balanced Qi is very important for how you feel each day. Qi has many functions, responsibilities and purposes within our body and environment. And with a little help, we also have the tools to keep it balanced and maintained. Here is how to balance qi and feel your chi energy.

Death of an Ego
I find it interesting that as we awaken to our real selves and understand who we really are in this lifetime, we are told that in order to stay on a “righteous and spiritual” path we must lose our ego. Lose our ego? Our ego makes us human!

Dis-ease and our State of Well-Being
Negative cellular memories must be resolved or they become dis-ease. But, what is dis-ease and how do you know if you have created dis-ease within yourself?

No Pain—No Gain: A Different Perspective
It was so hard to understand. Why? What was going on? Piece by piece, my body was falling apart. Complications from “simple” medical procedures weren’t so simple. First the eyes, then the leg, return to the eyes, then the low back, throw in a few infections, back to the eyes, and then an unrelenting return to the spine. Each day, new conditions manifested. Nobody should have to tolerate such pain.

The Magic of Feeling Your Feelings
If there was ever a shortcut to personal/spiritual growth, feeling your feelings is it. But ironically, avoiding our actual feelings is what gets many of us on the personal growth path in the first place

Rare Palms: The Simian Line in Palmistry
Printable Palm and Hand Chart Below the Post "The palm reader told me that I have a simian line in my hands. I am simply a conduit for a bigger purpose that is beyond little ole me. I know that I’m here to bring more love and healing to the planet. To hold space for the shift in human consciousness. To usher in the new world and be a leader in my own unique way." ~ Jeff Finley

Guidance In Nature
We are all on a path in this lifetime on earth. It's really up to each of us to manifest how we get down our paths and what we create for our lives. The Universe has great abundance. Abundance comes in many forms. Manifest your abundance as Cari Palmer is doing in, Knuggets Of Knowing

Receiving Guidance
The more you are focused on time — past and future — the more you miss the Now, the most precious thing there is.” ~ Eckhart Tolle Knuggets Of Knowing ~ Cari Palmer

Emotions – How You Feel is Everything
Do you choose to be happy and feel joy in your life? It's our choice how we get down this path in our current lifetimes. We can choose to be unhappy and feel like a victim or we can choose to be happy! "Knuggets of Knowing"

My Near Death Experience
It seemed like time stopped as I felt myself fly from my car and then I was surrounded by people. I was laying on the street and there were people all around me. They were speaking to me very calmly, asking me if I wanted to be finished with my current physical life. I said that I absolutely did want to be finished

Pink – Distance Energy Healing of Water
Everything is energy and all energy is connected. By using our energy we can effect and heal anything very quickly. I healed thousands of gallons of water from 678.6 miles away by using our connection to consciousness

Living Health Water Using Crystals
Water is the single most important thing for the body. Give the body the best water you can provide. Structured water is living water that hydrates and plumps your blood cells. Make your own structured water in minutes.

The Death Scene
When my friend could speak again he said that the source of the light was coming from light people as far as he could see. There were so many that he was almost blinded. The ones in front were holding hands and gave him a message.

Dowsing Rods
Dowsing rods are excellent for finding water however, they can be used for many things. They are so sensitive that they can easily measure your aura. This is a fun and easy experiment and will prove to you very quickly that rods can easily measure energy fields like your aura and many other energy fields too

Ascension and the New Earth
This is a partial session by a woman named Ruby. Ruby is a very creative and artistic person. She has a beautiful open mind and was really excited about having her session. After doing a few hypnosis convincers to help Ruby "feel" hypnosis, she slipped right down into a deep trance state and we began.

Walking with Jesus and The Shift
This is a partial session that I facilitated in June, 2014. Anna is the subject in this session. Anna's mother had been a hypnosis subject of Dolores Cannon. Much of the mother's session information was included by Dolores in the book, "They Walked With Jesus". It seems Anna shared that past life with her mother from her current life on earth.

How to Manifest
Your thoughts create your life so why not use your thoughts to manifest change? This is a quick and very effective way to manifest change.

Up in Smoke
When I began training at The Monroe Institute we started our training by doing a beautiful fire release ceremony. We did this at night under a black, clear night. The stars seemed endless in this dark place in the Virginia hills.
Planned Before Birth VS Unplanned Life Events
Is every single thing that happens in our lives planned before we arrived on Earth? Are the joys, challenges, and even the unexpected twists meticulously preordained by our souls? Or is there room for spontaneity, chance, and free will? The truth lies in a balance between destiny and the nature of life on Earth.