Learn to Travel the Astral Planes OBE/ Astral Projection Lessons, Tip, and Tricks
Whether you’re a beginner eager to explore the out-of-body experience or someone looking to deepen your practice, our curated lessons will guide you step by step. Discover essential techniques, tips for success, and insights into the fascinating world of astral travel. Prepare to expand your consciousness and unlock new dimensions of reality.

The Gateway to the Astral Planes
This image was created using advanced AI technology guided by a description provided by Amaris, my spiritual guide. Each element in the image was carefully envisioned to help those seeking to overcome fear and train their subconscious for successful astral projection.

Crossing the Veil: A First-Hand Look Into the Astral Planes
There are countless guides on how to leave your body for an astral projection, and just as many that describe the out-of-body experience itself. But how often do we hear about what actually awaits on the other side?

Astral Projection into a Picture, Ancient Symbol, or a Painting
For those who have tried various techniques for astral projection and are looking for something new, focusing on a photograph, sacred geometry symbol, or painting before going out-of-body (OBE) can be a powerful way to enhance your experience. This method works by combining deep relaxation with the power of intention and imagination, allowing you to step into the world represented by the image in front of you. Below is a step-by-step guide to using this visual imagery technique for astral projection. Step 1: Choose Your Image The first step is selecting an image that resonates with you. There are a […]

The Astral Journeys of the Higher-Self During Sleep
While our physical body rests during sleep, there is an aspect of ourselves that continues to operate beyond the limitations of the material world.

The Exclusive Subscriber Vault
Unlock a world of intriguing downloads exclusively for subscribers of The Mindful Word. Our newly redesigned Vault of Interesting Downloads offers an enhanced experience with new features that make it easier to discover something truly intriguing to download.

The Art of Training Your Subconscious Mind for an Out-of-Body Experience
One of the most important lessons of successfully mastering this art lies in training the subconscious mind to align with your conscious desire for an out-of-body experience or astral projection. You can harmonize your conscious intent with your subconscious mind to achieve astral projection with consistency and clarity. It's important to first understand the role of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind governs many of your automatic processes, including those tied to deep-seated beliefs, habits, and repetitive patterns. It influences your dreams, intuition, and creative insights, as well as your internal state while asleep. To successfully achieve a conscious astral […]

How to Create a Bridge Between the Physical and Non-Physical
"Mind awake, body asleep" refers to a state where your body is completely relaxed and unresponsive, as if it's asleep, while your mind remains aware and alert. This is an ideal state for practices like astral projection, lucid dreaming, or deep meditation. Find how you can get there in minutes.

Lucid Dreaming VS Astral Projection • Exploring Conscious Experiences
Both lucid dreaming and astral projection experiences allow one to explore extraordinary realms beyond the confines of waking reality. However, they are fundamentally different.

Protection Across the Veil
When entering altered states of consciousness, whether through meditation, astral projection, trance, or other practices, it's good practice to protect yourself from any encounters with negative energies or entities.

Bedeekin’s Out-Of-Body Method
I have a technique to share with you called Bedeekin's Method. It was named after the person that developed the method. This technique is said to actually work very well and many people have had OBE's with it or at least some form of success.

Waking Paralysis • (10) Part Ten
Some degree of physical paralysis is a sure sign an OOBE is in PROGRESS. It shows the mind split, in some form, has already occurred. The projector may not be aware a projection is in progress.

The Art of Mastering the Vibrational State
The vibrational state feels like a delightful surge of high-energy sensations throughout your body. It always occurs just before the onset of astral projection. It can be as gentle as the soothing purr of a cat or as potent as standing beside a colossal Diesel engine. Learn how to master it!

The Mind Split • (9) Part Nine
In hundreds of case histories available on out of body and near death experiences; you will find many accounts hinting at perceptions of duality which indicate symptoms of the mind split effect at work. What is this duality?

Astral Projection Guide • (8) Part Eight
Excellent tips, tricks, and warnings from an advanced astral explorer are covered in part eight of, Astral Projection • The Guide that Covers it All

Astral Projection Guide • (7) Part Seven
The rope technique has been written about forever but this guide makes the rope technique really work. Once you fully understand how it works; IT WORKS!

The Vault of Interesting Downloads
When you join The Mindful Word you get instant access to our private vault of downloads.

Are Out-of-Body Experiences Real?
What if I told you we could prove the existence of out-of-body experiences, to confirm these states are real?

Astral Projection Guide • (6) Part Six
Chakras are non-physical organs that transform raw subtle energy into more subtle, and useable, forms of energy, of a different type. The chakras play an important role in Astral Projection.

Astral Projection Guide • (5) Part Five
These exercises will teach you how to relax the body, concentrate, clear the mind, raise energy, stimulate the chakras and enter the trance state for Astral Projection.

Astral Projection Guide • (4) Part Four
The Akashic records, a record of every thought and event that has ever occurred, as well as Death and other interesting aspects of the The Astral Planes are covered in Part Four.

Astral Projection Guide • (3) Part Three
After the physical body has fallen asleep, the astral body always projects into the physical world. Once the energy body has expanded, the astral body floats free and hovers just above the physical body, but within the body's field of influence.

Astral Projection Guide • (2) Part Two
This is part two of, The Guide That Cover It All, in Astral Projection, Dreams, and Lucid Dreams. From technique to what to expect, the guide is very informative for beginners and advanced students of Astral Travel.

Astral Projection Guide • (1) Part One
Here is a simple but complete Astral Projection Guide that may help beginners or even advanced astral travelers wanting to learn Astral Projection.

A Remarkable Mental State: Hemispheric Synchronization
Synergy is the blending of both hemispheres of the brain. When both sides are working together you will experience a blending of your imagination and your logical side.

The Shift from Noticing to Phasing
First, the entire point of the noticing exercise, as Frank puts it, is to “become fixated within”. That’s really the end goal, as THAT is where the non-physical lies… within us. It’s nothing exterior that you “go to”.

Out of Body Self-Hypnosis Technique
Learning an Out of Body Technique while in a deeply relaxing altered state is a powerful experience. You are training your subconscious for this incredible and life changing experience. Experience the powerful benefits of out of body travel with this NEW self-hypnosis audio.

Astral Projection: Journey through the Tunnel
Take a journey into the Astral Planes while receiving important hypnotic suggestions helping you to achieve your goals in Astral Projection.

First Intentional Out of Body Experience
I just had my first intentional Out of Body Experience tonight. I let the vibrations take their course and it ended in separation. After I felt I was out, I stood up, and moved away from the body.

The Light Switch: Deep Trance at the Flip of a Switch
The Light Switch Self-Hypnosis Audio will take you into a deep trance at the flip of a switch. It uses a powerful combination of kinaesthetic movement and visualization to go deep into your subconscious to plant a strong and permanent visualization that you can use to bring yourself into a deep trance very quickly.

Astral Projection: The Tunnel Effect
Having been fortunate enough to experience many "average" out of the body phenomenon, I found it exhilarating in recent months to experience three overwhelming incidences of "tunnel effect" projections which usually occur during "Near Death" visions.

My First Astral Projection Using Visualization
After three weeks of practicing a visualization technique, I decided that this was the night to go for the real thing; conscious astral split. I was a little afraid that it would all fail, that some demon would come and attack me, but I put all negative thoughts aside as best as I could. After using conjurations to clear the room of any negativity I relaxed my body and began my visualization...

Learning to Awaken in the Astral Planes
My first astral projection experience made me learn that nearly every book I had ever read about the Astral was almost inconsequential to experiencing the real thing. I had never imagined the experience to be so real: feeling almost exactly like the Physical Body.

Astral Projection: The Doorway to Other Dimensions
By learning to astral project, we can learn many things about ourselves, and unlearn many things that were previously thought to be true. This leads us to the realization that our physical bodies are only a part of our entire selves, and there is more to our existence than meets the eye!

Exploring The Edge Of Reality: A Simple Method
Salvador Dali was a master of surrealist art whose paintings were inspired by his dream world. He used a method of taking a, less than a quarter of a second, nap to see visuals that he painted immediately after waking from the short nap. Here's his method...

The Amateur Astral Travel Guide
In your dreams, many times you would have seen yourself flying or visiting strange lands. Often the sensation feels so real that you wake up feeling slightly lost, as if you have been ‘beamed back’ to your current life. Without even realizing it you have travelled to the astral plane...

Ocean Breathing
Ocean Breathing is a form of breathing that will put you into trance easily and quickly. You can do this easy self-hypnosis breathing technique anywhere, anytime and it really works to put you into an altered state to use before your meditations or other explorations.

The Library
Welcome to The Library where you will find original stories from our very own writers, classic books, and downloads on all things in the metaphysical area.

Astral Projection Brainwave Training
Tom Campbell has some good advice in this article taken from his, My Big Toe book series. He gives advice on creating and using binaural beats to help you achieve the altered state needed for Out of Body Experiences, Astral Projection, Remote Viewing, Healing, and more. Altered States Of Consciousness Binaural Beats Audio is ON SALE FOR 50% OFF until the year 2022.

How I Left My Body for the Very First Time
How I learned to leave my body and have my very first out of body experience. I did it by NOT using all the popular methods in all the books. Let me tell you how I did it...

A Guide to Having Phenomenal Spiritual Adventures
Astral Projection is about exploring the universe around you as well as your inner self. This is an excellent guide for both advanced and beginning OBE travelers.

Consciousness Beyond the Body: Evidence and Reflections
Consciousness Beyond the Body, presents the latest theories, research, and applications of out-of-body experiences and other consciousness states that transcend the limitations of one’s physical body space. With original chapters from leading researchers who specialise in OBEs. This full book download is scientific evidence about OBEs with the latest and most compelling practical applications.

How to Use Lucid Dreaming to Support Other Practices
Lucid dreaming is easy to learn. It's usually much easier to achieve than an Astral Projection. If you try a few different techniques for lucid dreaming, you will see results quickly because in the dream state we are much more psychically attuned.

Altered States of Consciousness
Altered States is a carefully designed audio with no vocals that can be used with all of your explorations into consciousness

Can You Be Hypnotized?
Are you a good candidate for hypnosis? Find out using a simple optical illusion which can produce a very light altered state in 30 seconds through visualization

The Magic Button to Out Of Body Experiences and Astral Projections
Is there a technique that is better than another when learning to project your consciousness? Is there a magic button that will help you achieve the out of body state quickly?

The Art of Meditation · Final Steps
Lee and The Zs, supported by the magical music of Davor Bozic, gently guide you into accessing this inner refuge that allows you to step back deeply into the heart of yourself as a soul – and is always available to assist in bringing your soul back to zero point so that you can show up in the world again and respond. Restoration will become the superpower of the coming years.

The Art of Meditation · Step Three
In Step Three of The Art of Meditation we go deeper into our, NOW

The Art of Meditation · Step Two
Mindfulness is the practice of purposely focusing your attention on the present moment and accepting it without judgment. Mindfulness is now being examined scientifically and has been found to be a key element in stress reduction and overall happiness. The past is already gone, the future has not yet come, you only have the present, so be mindful of it

The Art of Meditation · Step One
If you're struggling with meditation, you are not alone. It's difficult for many people to quiet the mind. We all know the vast benefits of daily meditation but getting to that quiet and peaceful state takes practice. In this two week free meditation program you will find your first steps and setup an excellent program that works on your time schedule. You will be on your way to learning your abilities through the exploration of your inner self

Phasing using Instant Transfer
Knowing, as you all do, that astral beings can transfer from one spot to another without actually traveling, I suddenly thought that when we are projected in our astral bodies we can do the same

How to Phase to Other Realities
For anybody wanting to experience the Astral Planes or other Realities anywhere, this easy method uses Robert Monroe's Phasing Method, explained in detail, and then gives you the steps to shift your perception so that you can experience it all!

240 Questions and Answers to Astral Projection
If you have questions about astral travel or fears to examine, here is a booklet that has answers to 240 questions people had during a live course on learning Astral Projection. Enjoy this gift and please join us as a member!

The Astral Codex
If you’re looking for a way to connect with spiritual guidance from higher worlds and spiritual beings, to explore the hidden reality and the nature of life beyond the physical world, you’ll have a means to do it through astral projection

My Personal Guide to Astral Projection and Out of Body Experiences
"I’ve been having intentional out of body experiences and practicing astral projection since 2013. Ever since I had my first experience by accident, I had become obsessed with trying to recreate the experience learn all about it. It’s all about consciousness. Is there one reality that everyone experiences? Or does each person experience their own reality inside their heads? Where do we go when we dream? Why does it feel real until we wake up? What is reality anyway? Whether it’s called astral projection, OBEs, or lucid dreaming, it’s one of those things that you don’t really know if it’s true until you experience it for yourself." ~ Jeff Finley

Lazy Man’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
If you're feeling a little overwhelmed with all the techniques about experiencing other realities, Adrian gives helpful advice, and even a few shortcuts, to help you. Tips and great methods are included to get you started experiencing altered states and remembering the experience

Phasing – What Does It Really Mean?
How to successfully explore other realities in a conscious state. Here is the key to your success!

Phasing · A Practical Guide by Frank Kepple
Frank Kepple was an astral explorer with a large internet presence and a large following of people. He had a website full of interesting material and a forum where he was very active, then suddenly he disappeared. Nobody knows what happened to Kepple, however he left a large body of work and research into astral projection.

The Astral Plane · Its Scenery, Inhabitants and Phenomena
What are the Astral Planes? Experiences vary widely and the full concept of what the astral planes really are becomes difficult to understand. This full length book by, C. W. Leadbeater, accurately describes, The Astral Planes

The Symbol
I was shown an old ancient wall. It was cracking and looked to be held up by vines that had grown into the wall. In the center was a symbol.
The Hidden Key to Effortless Projection
Astral projection is not merely a technique—it is a frequency. Many seekers attempt to leave the body using well-documented methods, yet struggle due to one simple but rarely discussed reason.