Lucid dreaming is easy to learn, usually much easier to achieve than Astral Projection. If you try a few different techniques, soon you will start having them.
In the dream state we are much more psychically attuned and abilities/experiences can open up that would be much more difficult to experience in the waking state.
If you have another method that you practice, you can try it in the lucid dream state and have a deeper experience and insight.
I found dreaming to be effective in a number of ways. For example you can apply it for remote viewing. In remote viewing, as it has been developed by the US military, you are given an envelope with a picture, and without knowing anything about it you have to describe it, using your innate psychic abilities in a structured way. If you have never heard about remote viewing there is a short description from The Farsight Institute: What is Remote Viewing?
So, during the day I choose a picture without knowing what it was. There was a link to it to check after the attempt. A few days later I had a lucid dream so after doing my reality check, nose pinch test, I decided to try viewing the target. There was a matryoshka doll on a table and I set my intention that if I open it up, inside is going to be the target picture. After I opened it up there was nothing inside just dust. I was disappointed, however a few seconds later my dream environment disappeared and I had a short vision.
After I woke up I made a drawing of my target.
Above is a picture of the target. I think it was a successful remote viewing session! I had a much clearer visual than I can have in the waking state.
Another time I was learning a method called Sacred Anatomy founded by, Desda Zuckermann. In this system there is an exercise in which you need to call upon an energy named “The attitude of the strength of Archangel Michael” and use it to strengthen your auric field. After doing it during the day the first time, the night following I had a visitation from Archangel Michael in the dream state. I wasn’t expecting it to happen, but during the next class I reported what have happened, and Desda said she heard it happen at least a hundred times from others. So this was something commonly experienced by doing that exercise, but I wouldn’t have known that without developing a lucid dream awareness. So, this way dreaming gave me a validation I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.
If you believe in it you can get visitations from other realms in the dream state. A simple way to do it is to ask for it before going to sleep. After a few attempts you will likely succeed, however you will doubt it to be more than just a dream. In order to make these visitations more real, ask during the dream for a specific sign or even object to be manifested for you in the real world as a confirmation. You can try this to contact your spirit guides, ETs, Angels, Fairies, etc, whatever you believe in, it is a real shocker, when you succeed and actually get the sign later.
Something else you can try is to walk into someone else’s dream. There was a girl I was interested in, and earlier I read a book about a method called psychic dream walking. Psychic Dreamwalking: Explorations at the Edge of Self. Basically what it is in the dream state you create a doorway with the intention to walk into someone’s dream. Some months later I casually told her about this technique and she was shocked, because she had more than one dream where I was knocking on her door, and came in after she opened the door.
You can also set your intention to view the future before going to sleep. It has worked several times for me. I had a scene that has played out exactly as it was in the dream. I was standing with my brother at a river’s edge. We were watching the waves and he said in Hungarian, “these waves are like waves at the sea”. It was the same place and the same words as in the dream.
Another useful thing to do is to examine your dream body and check for possible health issues. I didn’t do it intentionally, but have discovered a problem with my prostate this way. As I looked at my stomach in the dream there was a scary looking slimy substance at the prostate area. A few days later I started to have prostate pain. It turned out I was sensitive to a supplement I was taking.
As you see there are many different ways to use lucid dreaming. You can adjust them to suit your needs and interests. However, you can use any method you like.
If you are not sure how to start an easy way is here:
Lazy Man’s Guide to Lucid Dreaming and Astral Projection
If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed with all the techniques about experiencing other realities, Adrian gives helpful advice, and even a few shortcuts, to help you.
Tips and great methods are included to get you started experiencing altered states and remembering the experience
After a dozen lucid dreams to build up your foundation a bit, it’s easy to have success with similar experiments. All it takes is trying!
I wish you good luck!