What if I told you we could prove the existence of out-of-body experiences, to confirm these states are real?
I am a fan of Monroe Institute, that marvelous place outside Charlottesville, Virginia, where we gain powerful tools to access expanded states of awareness, allowing us to dip our toes into the larger world of energy, the unseen world of spirit.
Monroe Institute’s programs changed my life from that of a pragmatic psychologist to an explorer of consciousness. Shortly after returning from the Institute a few years ago, I began spontaneously channeling messages from the 5D. My transformation is due to this organization and its unique programming.
The Institute is exceptionally positioned as a leader in consciousness exploration because there are no dogmas to follow, no skills or secret tricks to learn. In fact, when you attend a program at Monroe, the participants don’t do anything.
Instead, we kick back, relax, and put on a pair of comfortable headphones. From that point on, the sound-based frequencies do the work. Yep, it’s the lazy person’s way to meditate…but it works. And now we have proof of its effectiveness to induce experiences outside the physical realms of the 3D.
Don’t accept my word as truth; look at the research. In late February 2023, I found proof of the Institute’s effectiveness through the largest, long-term EEG-monitored study of psychic phenomena conducted anywhere in the world: Monroe Institute’s Discovery program.
As a participant in this six-day class, we used our brains to demonstrate how our minds work. Through that process, I discovered what I once thought was undiscoverable: scientific confirmation of the presence of extraordinary states of consciousness.
Discovery is led by Bob Holbrook, the genius behind Monroe Sound Science. This sound-based technology adds frequency, amplitude, and phase modulations to its original binaural beats, resulting in a powerful technological upgrade.
Alongside Bob, we worked with Judith Pennington and her crew from IAM, Institute for the Awakened Mind. Through years of research with state-of-the-art technology (Mind Mirror), Judith identified several brainwave patterns corresponding to specific states of expanded awareness, including out-of-body experiences.
It was our time to add to that wealth of data. During meditations, the IAM technicians would monitor our EEG recordings and analyze our brainwave frequencies in real time.
We dutifully lined up each morning to have electrodes glued to our scalps. In a move that would offend any fashionista, the technicians completed our ensembles by stretching wide elastic headbands over our heads to secure the electrodes and wires.
Then one by one, we headed to our zero-gravity chairs, made more comfortable by blankets and pillows. As we snuggled into the recliners, the technicians attached the bundled wires protruding from our headbands to a sophisticated network of cables linked to the Mind Mirror system.
When all participants were glued up, headbanded, nestled in, and plugged in, we slipped on cushioned headphones. After passing a sound check, the lights dimmed, and we closed our eyes. When the last technician signaled Judith that their equipment was online and ready to go, the meditation began.
After each exercise, one at a time, we gathered around the laptops to view our results. As the IAM technicians played the video recording of the second-by-second changes in our brainwaves, they translated these color-coded graphs into easy-to-understand language.
During my first debrief, I saw real-time EEG fluctuations during a peak experience, but I wanted more. Confirming the brain-to-mind correlation gave me an idea; it was time to play.
Although I have been an active explorer of consciousness for several years, sometimes doubt creeps in, and my ego whispers that I am making this up. This was an ideal time to ask for something specific. I wanted to know whether my experiences were true OBEs, or were they fantasies, figments of an active imagination? Would this experiment fend off self-doubt?
The time for truth had arrived. As soon as the next meditation began, I used a tool from my guides—a shortcut for an out-of-body experience. Would my brainwaves change in response to this 5-D tool?
When the meditation ended, I rushed to the debrief line and scooted my chair close to the computer monitor as Judith accessed my Mind Mirror session. Analyzing the real-time data on the video recording, Judith reported that my brainwaves shifted into a classic OBE pattern as soon as the meditation began.
I let that sink in—that was precisely when I had initiated my 5-D tool. My eyes crinkled into a smile when I realized this was the proof I had wanted.
Mind Mirror generates verifiable information, satisfying my training as a psychologist to focus on cold hard facts. The EEG data also confirmed the effectiveness of nonphysical tools to access extraordinary states at will.
These findings from Discovery add more data points to the wealth of investigative study which is Monroe Institute’s foundation. This is what keeps me returning to the Institute year after year: research.
Beginning with Robert A. Monroe’s investigations into expanded states of consciousness in the early 1970s, his tradition continues. Through rigorous study, those findings demonstrate what the Institute offers is real.
No longer do I second guess my journeys into the realms of the 5D. My discovery is best described by using the well-known words of Bob Monroe: The Institute’s research proves that we are, indeed, more than our physical bodies.
View real-time EEG videos on this YouTube episode:
Candice M Sanderson is a retired psychologist and an internationally acclaimed author. You can learn more about Candice and her books through her website: www.CandiceSanderson.com.