My dreams became lucid as I slept tonight and I slipped into an out of body state. In my energy body, I found myself sitting comfortably on a seat. In front of me was a large window that wrapped all the way around a circular area where I was seated. There were seats on both sides of me and in the seats were people.
I felt at home there. I never felt out of place and it was all so familiar to me. I knew these people. I had spent time with them.
The people appeared to me as tall, blonde, and very beautiful people. They looked young but I could see the knowledge in their blue eyes. Each of them were blonde with blue eyes and all were young and appeared to be very healthy. To my sight they had a slight glow to them.
All of them, both male and female, wore a bright white suit. It was fitting but looked comfortable like a weaved material. They had belts that were used to hold items when needed. It was like a stylish utility belt. There was an emblem on their suit. To this day I can’t see what the emblem was. I was surely blocked from that!
These people looked so much like me; was I manifesting their looks? It’s easy to manifest in an out of body state but they seemed much too familiar to have manifested it from my brain.
I was shown parts of the ship. It was all white with soft lighting. There were seats that had tall backs and looked like white leather but the material was definitely not from a living being like leather would be. It was soft and felt buttery to the touch. It was warm when you sat on it and very comfortable.
We went down a narrow hall and into a room that wasn’t very large. The wall to the outside of the room was rounded and looked like an airplane but with no seats. There was soft lighting and it was a comfortable room although I had never seen it before. It had windows to the outside of the ship but they were closed. With a thought, the person from the ship opened them, and then closed them to show me how.
There were no seats in this small room. The floor had a covering that was gold in color. I could hear the hum of the ship as it glided into space. I couldn’t feel any movement inside the ship. Other than the comforting hum of the ship, there was no other sound in the pie shaped room.
My tour guide left the room and I was alone inside. There was a large window that was closed and in front of it appeared to be a type of podium with some buttons on it. When I pressed the largest button a screen came up from the podium and expanded. It looked similar to a flat screen television.
Then I felt my guides in the room. They were there to show me a few things. As always, I couldn’t see them. They stood just behind me and told me the purpose of the room.
My guides said that I could come here anytime I felt the need. I could explore here, in a safe environment, and the counsel screen would explain what I was seeing. I could call on my guides, when needed, in this room, and anywhere else and they would be there to guide me.
The next morning when I woke up I had one thought on my mind; “Alpha Omega” stuck to my mind like glue. Alpha Omega I kept saying. It didn’t sound right. That sounded like a college sorority.
Finally after some coffee I knew what the word was. It was Alpha Centauri. Alpha Centauri is a star system in our Milky Way. Those people had come from there. I looked like them except I’m much shorter in height and much older looking then they were. I’ve definitely had a lifetime in the Alpha Centauri star system.

The Symbol
A few nights later I was shown an old ancient wall. It was cracking at the top and looked to be held up by vines that had grown into the wall. In the center was a symbol.
The next morning that symbol was burning a hole in my brain. I searched online and found some similar ones but nothing exactly like this one. I drew the symbol on paper very quickly, almost a sketch.
I didn’t really know what to do with the symbol and didn’t seem to remember what it was given to me for so after a time I put it away and forgot about it.
Some time later a few friends and I were talking about protection on a forum and it just came to me. That symbol was given for protection. I was sure of it!
I wanted to show the symbol to my friends so I sat down and drew it using a ruler and compass exactly as it should be. Then I used my mobile phone to take a picture of the symbol. As soon as I pressed the camera button I heard a distinct cracking noise. My phone camera lens just simply cracked as I took the picture of the symbol. There is so much energy in the symbol that it literally cracked my camera lens!
I began experimenting with the symbol using it for protection and trying to figure other ways to use it.
I decided to do a meditation using the symbol. I went to my quiet room and put my headphones on. I always use Hemi-sync for meditation because I can get into an altered state very quickly.
During the meditation I saw the symbol as a kind of window. I could send my consciousness just to the circle and look out, or I could send myself right through the cross hairs and go OB. I have found so many ways to use the symbol.
A lot more knowledge about the symbol has come to me and I know that the symbol was used by oracles in ancient times as a window to “see” the future. Oracles protected themselves using the symbol as they looked out for answers for the people of those times. Perhaps I had a past life as an oracle?
This symbol, mentioned in “The Emerald Tablets of Thoth,” is meant to be shared. It has applications in protection, healing, seeing, meditation, and out-of-body experiences. If you resonate with it, please use the symbol.