Water is composed of H2O molecules. H2O molecules are composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. Structured water means that the H2O molecules stick together and become hexagons. Water with hexagons is extremely beneficial to the human body.
This is a highly polished truck. The water beads up on the surface without penetrating the paint. This is exactly what we want on car paint right?

In the human body, water needs to penetrate your tissues and organs to keep you hydrated and healthy. Very hard water acts just like the beaded water on the truck. It has a hard time penetrating your tissues and organs. It takes much longer to hydrate the body and it has a hard time getting into your blood cells.
On the slide above there are two drops of water. The one on the left is normal water and shows tension. It retains the shape of the drop. However, the drop on the right is structured water. See how it has very little surface tension? It seems to melt on the glass. Structured water penetrates deep into your tissues and cells because it has very little surface tension.
Structured water penetrates and plumps your tissues and blood cells giving you better health because water is the single most important thing for the body. Give the body the best water you can provide. Structured water is living water.
Marcel Vogel was the master of crystals in his time on earth. He was a brilliant scientist and he was the first to prove that crystals can structure water. Crystals can do many things and Vogel did important research and taught people all over the world on the use of crystals for healing. Crystals can also heal water, making it healthy and alive. Additionally, structured water tastes incredible!

Marcel Vogel used fine quartz crystal to cut a very precise healing wand and I have no doubt it works. You can learn all about Marcel Vogel at Dreamhill Research. His crystals are hand cut and very expensive. I could never afford one so I got the next best thing. I searched online until I found a reliable dealer that had a quartz Vogel cut wand that was not cut precisely but still cut in the same manner and shape as the real Vogel Crystal. The picture to the right is my own Vogel cut crystal.
Marcel Vogel said that an imprecisely cut Vogel crystal would not be able to concentrate the healing energy coming from the crystal unless it was cut exactly. He said that the energy would kind of spew. In healing this would not be ideal but for structuring water any crystal works. All crystals placed in water will structure it. An imitation Vogel crystal directs energy very quickly to the tip of the crystal, and in water, the “spew” of energy is beneficial because it structures water very quickly. While my quartz wand may not be perfect for healing the human body, it sure does quickly heal and structure water.
You can use any kind of crystals to structure your water and create healthy hexagons. Even small crystals pieces will do their magic. The real Vogel crystal, and even my Vogel “cut” crystal, work much faster because the energy flows through the wand which is cut in facets and directs out through the tip.

Even though it takes a little longer, just put your extra crystals into a glass pitcher of water and put it in the refrigerator. It’s worth a few hours or even an overnight wait. You will notice the amazing taste right away and feel hydrated and more alert after drinking it. The more energetic the crystal, the faster structuring happens to the molecules in your water creating healthy hexagons.

My Vogel crystal doesn’t show a perfect flower at the blunt end of the wand but for water, this quartz wand works like a charm!

A Vogel wand can be placed into a glass or a pitcher of water. Place the blunt end of the wand at the top and the narrow tip should placed against the bottom of your glass. The pitcher will take about an hour to structure, and if the wand is used in an individual glass of water, it will work in about ten minutes.

Your body, mind and soul will thank you for this healthy water!