From a modern day billionaire to a deity who ruled some 36,000 years ago, many prophecies say World War III was started when Russia invaded Ukraine. Let’s examine some of the prophecies about World War III. I’ve often heard it referred to as, “the war that ends all wars”. According to the prophets below, WWIII will end all wars on the planet for 1000 years.
Nostradamus needs no introduction. His predictions have been studied since the 1500’s. He predicted many world events that have already happened like the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon. He predicted the assassination of John F Kennedy and even the 911 event.
Nostradamus is best known for his book, Les Propheties, which first appeared in 1555 and has never been out of print since his death. In the book, Nostradamus predicted a war that starts in 2022 and would last for 25-29 years. This long war will end in a massive loss of life and a devastating environmental problem that would last for decades and would be the cause of death for billions of people.
Nostradamus predicted a military coalition between Russia and China that will last through the war and even a few years after the war ends.
In The Prophecies, Nostradamus wrote about “three kings”. Some people identify these kings as Putin, Biden, and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. He said in 8:17 that;
“Par les trois frères le monde mis en trouble. Cité marine saisiront ennemis. Fain, feu, sang, peste, et de tous maux le double,”
“Through the three brothers the world will get into trouble. The enemies will take a maritime city. Hunger, fire, blood, plague, and a double dose of all disasters.”
The “maritime city” could be Odessa, Ukraine which was taken by the Russians. The “double dose of all disasters” including a plague could be referring to Covid-19.
Nostradamus saw that after WWIII the human race and the planet would then experience 1000 years of peace. He called this time of peace, “The Age of Saturn”.
From The Emerald Tablets, Tablet Twelve: The Law of Cause and Effect and the Key of Prophecy, Thoth predicted a war where a destructive force is unleashed that shakes the planet as nation rises again nation and half of the population of planet Earth will die.
“…When man again shall conquer the ocean and fly in the air on wings like the birds; when he has learned to harness the lightning, then shall the time of warfare begin. Great shall the battle be twixt the forces, great the warfare of darkness and Light.
Nation shall rise against nation using the dark forces to shatter the Earth. Weapons of force shall wipe out the Earth-man until half of the races of men shall be gone. Then shall come forth the Sons of the Morning and give their edict to the children of men…” ~ Thoth
Bill Ackman
Bill Ackman is a hedge fund manager that made billions for his company by betting against stocks he felt would implode due to an upcoming pandemic that had not yet happened at that time. He appeared on CNBC in March of 2020 warning that “hell is coming” and calling for a 30-day lockdown. He wasn’t taken seriously but he was right. The “hell” Ackman spoke of was Covid-19.
Now Ackman has made another prediction
“In January 2020, I had nightmares about the potential for a pandemic, but everyone seemed to think I was crazy,” he wrote on Twitter. “I am having similar nightmares now.”
He warned that “WWIII has likely started already, but we have been slow to recognize it.”
“Putin has invaded Ukraine and it is not going well for Russia,’ he added.
Tom Clancy, an award winning novelist predicted a world war very simular to what is going on right now in his 1986 novel, “Red Storm Rising”. The book is about a global war provoked by the USSR.
Even Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Wednesday March 9th, 2022 in an interview with NBC News, “World War III may have already started”.
“Imprinted deep within us is a collective knowing that peace on Earth is possible and is ahead but we have some hard times to get through first. Many of us that are here now have experienced that time of peace and abundance on Earth. It is a knowing of a past that once was, and will be again. We are here to usher in this Golden Time of 1000 years of peace on Earth.” ~ Vickie
About The Author
More Predictions of the War That Ends All Wars

Alien Predictions of Future Events
In 1973 Calvin Parker and his friend, Charles Hickson were abducted by extraterrestrial beings while fishing on the Mississippi River in Pascagoula and taken aboard a saucer UFO. Parker said the ETs had claw like hands and a strange nose and ears. The men were examined by the aliens and also shown visions of humanity’s future. Parker, just 19 years old at the time of the incident, never told anyone the details of the visions he was shown almost 50 years ago, until now.

Visions and Prophecies of the Future: The Dark Days
Alois Irlmaier gave long details about what he saw coming for World War III and I must warn you that the details are the longest recorded, and are surely the most disturbing of prophecies. Stop here if you prefer not to read these details.

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
“Man will progress until he dissolves into light and become one with the source, aye, in a time that is yet unborn, all shall be one and One Shall Be All”.
The Emerald Tablets really might be, The Secrets of the Universe…