Water is the source of all life. Our bodies and our planet are made up mostly of water. When we become out of balance with anger, anxiety, or fear, water can restore our sense of well being. Humans are attracted to blue spaces like the sky and water.
“Whenever my hypos get such an upper hand of me, that it requires a strong moral principle to prevent me from deliberately stepping into the street, and methodically knocking people’s hats off—then, I account it high time to get to sea as soon as I can.” ~ Herman Melville’s narrator declares in Moby Dick.
After many studies done on the positive effects of water, scientists have determined that water absolutely does provide positive cognitive and physical effects on people and I have no doubt for animals as well.
Contact with water induces a meditative state, makes us happier, calmer, more creative and gives us a sense of well being.
The benefits of getting yourself to water as often as possible are truly incredible for your body and mind. Here are just a few of the benefits:
1. You de-stress and relax
We know that stress causes health problems but life can be very stressful at times. Being near a body of water can destress you in a very short time.
2. Your immune System gets strong
The increased relaxation and decreased stress will allow for a strong immune system to fight off illnesses.
3. Your white blood cell count goes up
Plants and trees near water give off chemicals called phytoncides. Breathing phytoncides elevates your white blood cell count and thus strengthens your immune system.
4. You absorb more oxygen
When air is exposed to water it becomes charged with negative ions which help you to absorb it easier. Fresh air, especially around water improves alertness and mood too.
5. You feel more joy
Being around water benefits you in so many ways that you experience more happiness and joy in your life. We can all use more joy in our lives.
We are inspired by water. We hear it, smell it in the air, play in it, walk next to it, paint it, swim in it, get food from it, write about it, take pictures of it, and create memories along its edge.
Our deep connection to water is described in art, literature, and poetry and just the sound that comes from the gentle, rhythmic sensation of hearing waves lapping a shore can bring us such peace.
It doesn’t even matter whether it’s an ocean, river, creek, swimming pool or even a fountain. Water can really make you feel good so dive in!
“If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water.”
~ Loren Eiseley