The Weight of the Human Soul
Humans have always had a deep interest in the soul. What is the soul? Does the soul ever die? These are questions that humans have been asking, and trying to find answers to, for all of remembered history. I would guess that readers on this website absolutely know that we are more than our bodies. Our bodies are simply our avatars in this lifetime on earth. The real us is a non-physical energy body that is eternal and is currently animating our chosen avatars in this lifetime. We have lived many lives, and will live many more, both in the physical and non-physical realms.
In 1907 a doctor set out to prove that humans had a soul that was not only real, but had mass and could be weighed. Doctor Duncan MacDougall designed a bed with an accurate set of beam scales. He found some people who were dying of terminal illnesses and convinced them to lie on his bed right at the time of their death. MacDougall carefully weighed each person before, during and after their death.
MacDougall found that each person dropped exactly 21 grams at the time of death when their soul, or energy body, parted from their physical body.
MacDougall took all of the processes of physical death into account during his experiments and with each person that died while being weighed, his conclusion was the same, the human soul weighed three-fourths of an ounce, or 21 grams.
Later in 1911, MacDougall was again on the front page of The New York Times with a dozen pictures from experiments he had done to photograph the human soul, or energy body, leaving the physical body at the exact time of death. He called the substance he was photographing, interstellar ether.
I have never been in a room where someone died but I have loved ones that have passed out of this physical lifetime. A few have come back to visit and one of them was my father. He physically died over three years ago.
One year after my father’s physical death, my mother, sisters and I decided to take a trip to Las Vegas to celebrate my dad. He had loved Las Vegas in life. It was his kind of town!
We rented a suite so we could all stay together and, late one night as I turned out the lights in the living room part of the suite, I had a strong intuitive feeling that I should take a few pictures. I just got a kind of “knowing” to leave the lights off and let in the lights of Vegas through the large windows. I had no idea that “knowing” came from my father at the time but he was right there with me and he wanted me to take his picture. There is no doubt of that. To make sure I knew immediately that it was indeed my father, he showed up right there in our suite in Las Vegas in full military fatigues but so much younger in his body and stance. He was leaning against the bar and typical of my dad, he likely had a cold beer in his hand. Below is the picture I took of my father in Las Vegas.
Humans will always have a deep fascination with the soul. Movies, books, and songs have been written about the soul because even though we have a bit of amnesia in these physical lives, we feel this truth.
We know we are eternal non-physical sparks of energy from Source.