Friends, I’d like to contribute to our discussion on phasing as a method of projecting consciousness. My own take on that was initiated and developed during my OBEJournal series of 2017/18, and I named it “instant transfer”. Knowing, as you all do, that astral beings can transfer from one spot to another without actually traveling, I suddenly thought that when we are projected in our astral bodies we can do the same.
So, on several videos I introduced and worked with this notion. Here is one example. You can treat it as a guided meditation and follow along as you wish. Please do not limit yourself by labelling it “imagination”. It is, of course, but its imagination as fuel, powering your journey.
In this episode we move to what I call “immediate transfer”, – a projection, while conscious, of an aspect of self, call it the mental body if you will, to various non-physical locations, the first being the “contemporary” mid-astral city park, and the second being a dance hall circa 1920, catering to the many recent arrivals from WW1 and the world wide Spanish Flu epidemic. Duration 42:04