Looking at past lives is interesting and a good deal can be learned about your inner self from seeing them. You’ve lived many, many lifetimes. Some in the physical and some in the non-physical so be aware that past lives can be, “not embodied” in some lifetimes. Some lives are lives of luxury and some are lives of need. This method is the perfect tool because it’s simple and it works.
Don’t Let Beliefs Hinder You
Go into this with an open mind and be excited about the possibilities. You must believe that you can, and will, see your past lives. When one goes to a hypnosis session with a licensed professional, they usually always believe what they learn in those sessions. However, when one does their own regression, the physical brain makes them doubt what they saw was real. What you see in this session is real. It is more real than if a stranger guided you through what they expect you to see. Instead you are in an altered state and you see what your subconscious wants you to experience for growth.
Your Brain
When you are in an altered state, you are within the heights of your creative abilities. You can learn what the subconscious wants you to know about your past lives. When you are finished with this past life regression your brain comes back online. Your brain will immediately begin to tell you that what you saw in your regression was only your imagination; don’t believe it! It’s the brain’s duty to keep you fully focused in this realty. What you see is very real!
There is no better way to get into a relaxed and altered state than with the use of self-hypnosis using binaural beats so if you don’t already own an audio, you might like to try, Altered States of Consciousness.
Altered States of Consciousness
Six layers of sound are blended together to take you through different states of consciousness on this 45 minute audio (MP3) with no vocals.

Audios using binaural beats must always be used with headphones. Earbuds will not work well. The sounds are made to wave from one side of your brain to the other so headphones are essential to balance the brain spheres and to put you into an altered state very quickly.
Once you have your audio (or do not need an audio and prefer quiet meditation) and headphones, find a quiet place that’s comfortable and one where you can sit up. If it’s your bedroom then prop up the pillows so you are very comfortable and your body and neck are fully supported but your upper body is raised into a sitting position.
When you feel ready, close your eyes and relax in the way that makes you comfortable. Use your imagination for this regression because the imagination is part of your creative side and this will open your subconscious and allow you to take a look inside and see a past life that is in some way significant for you.
When you feel comfortable, imagine that you are floating very gently along. You can hear the wind as you pass over different elevations. Keep going, floating and flying, and when you are ready, look down with your inner sight (don’t open your physical eyes, keep them closed).
The very first thing that you see or feel, go with it. Don’t let the opportunity pass by to see this lifetime. Start by feeling. Does it feel warm or cold? Do you see light or is it dark? Once you begin to feel, you will see images. The subconscious is a very subtle energy so your first images may be very strong or they may look transparent. Follow through using your subconscious. Look at this lifetime.
If you don’t feel or see anything, don’t be concerned. Lots of people have this same experience for the first few times. Just go with what you see. It must be dark with your eyes closed and you are very relaxed; let what happens, happen. Maybe you receive a message on this regression, maybe you flow through, The Void and feel a relaxation of your consciousness. Allow all.
When the audio ends, and you are feeling more alert, write down every single word of everything you felt, saw or experienced. Keep a special journal that’s only used for this purpose. If you continue to do this regression, at least weekly (hopefully more), you are training your subconscious. You are telling it that you have taken the time to learn about your past lives and you are ready to see all, whether they were lives of luxury or lives of need.
When you are fully back into this 3D reality and have written about your experience – guess what happens next? Your brain comes back online. The minute that body part fires up, it begins to tell you that what you saw, felt or experienced was not real. It was just your imagination, or wishful thinking – don’t believe it! If you went to a licensed professional for a past life regression you would believe it because he/she is trained, right? Well, he/she doesn’t know the the real you. Only you have access to your subconscious. Believe what it’s showing or telling you because in the beginning it is subtle, but as you become more experienced with this method, you will see so much that even your brain believes what’s it’s experiencing and it stops telling you that it’s your imagination.
This deep meditation is perfect for learning all about your inner self and opening your intuition. There are many possibilities. Here is my first experiences using the method. It took a little time but I saw a past life from the year 1526.