People have different ideas and beliefs when it comes to ghosts. After all, there are not many ghost movies that aren’t horror films. Those movies give us a subconscious belief that a ghost is there to haunt us.
I’m not here to change your beliefs about ghosts but I would like to share what I’ve experienced with ghosts and photography. It’s easy to capture a ghost on your mobile phone. You need no special equipment.
The very word, ghost conjures up images from movies and stories where people are being driven crazy by ghosts. Ghosts are people in energy form really. They have died physically but they hang around and are seen as ghosts. They are not negative or inherently bad. Some people don’t believe they are dead so they just keep living in energy body form wherever on earth they feel comfortable. It’s true that if humans move into a place where an energy body (ghost) has setup their house after death, they will sometimes try to get the humans out. They haven’t accepted their own death and they sure don’t want people moving in with them. Can you imagine a family that you don’t know just moving right into your home?
When a person from earth physically dies they may choose to manifest a life in the Astral Plane instead of reincarnating into another lifetime. They may manifest their looks in death to be the same way they looked when they lived on earth. They visit earth often and sensitive living humans can feel and see them. Your camera can see them too.
People in their energy bodies, after physical death, like to be around those they love and animals are no different. They have energy bodies and they are eternal beings so animals come back to visit, just as humans do.
I am an animal lover. I can’t imagine life without a loyal pet that loves me unconditionally. Unfortunately pets don’t live as long as humans and it’s hard to lose anyone you love. We know they are in a better place but we miss them.
Your loved ones and pets like to be thought of. When you think of them, they hear that call and they come to be with you. Even though you can’t see them with your eyes, they come.
People come around you in different forms too. Someone might always manifest the way they looked in their physical life but most don’t bother with manifesting any kind of form.
In the picture above my dad fully manifested shortly after his physical death. He appeared in his military fatigues leaning against the bar with what looks like a beer in his hand. This picture was also taken on a mobile phone. I had the lights off and just let in the lights of the city through the big windows. The energy body can appear in many forms.
The natural form for all energy bodies is an egg shaped ball of energy. This shape is perfect. There’s no dangling body parts to worry with and you don’t have to keep your thoughts so fixed on what you look like.
You can easily see the people and animals, in energy form, around you by simply using your mobile phone camera. Even your mobile phone can see more than the human eye can. This is Intuitive Photography.
I use my mobile phone because it’s easier to use in the dark and I don’t want to mess with a complicated camera with the lights off.
I wait until the house is quiet and I begin thinking about a loved one. I do this with telepathy. I don’t think in words, I think in images. I show them my mobile camera by using my imagination to visualize it in my mind. I turn on my video and my flash on my mobile phone. The dark room along with your bright camera light will allow the camera lens to see what the eye cannot usually see.
Very slowly move your camera around the room while you lay still. You don’t want a lot of movement in your body because your camera will pick up large pieces of dust that can look similar to orbs. There’s a lot of dust so just lay still while you film.
You can review your video on your mobile phone. Most mobile phones have filters and the capability of slowing the video. You will definitely need to slow the video when you review it. Your eyes will not be able to see an energy body very well unless the video is slowed. In fact, until you’ve done this a few times and know what to look for I suggest that slowing the video as much as possible is very important. You can use filters after slowing the timing to show contrast and you will see what’s around you in your video.
I encourage you to make an additional video in the same way, but this time, hit the bed or chair where you are sitting while your camera is filming. When you review the video you will see how easy it is to distinguish dust from the energy body of a living being.
The dust has no purpose, it just flies up when you hit the surface. It’s dull but does have the orb shape to the camera lens. Real energy beings fly through the room with purpose that you can see. Real beings are pure energy so their orbs can be colorful. Some see faces in these orbs when they zoom in. You will see the difference.

This picture is a real energy body. I’ve contrasted the image so you can see the egg shape and some of the color. This is the preferred way most like to travel.
My most loved pet, Henry left this earthly plane a few years ago. He was my protection and my company when I was alone in the Ozarks. I love and miss him every single day.

Below is a video of Henry that I filmed shortly after his physical death. I was miserable because I missed him so much. I could sometimes feel him around me but I needed more. I decided to see if he would come and let me video him. In the video you can see his energy body as it flies through my bedroom door. Henry quickly darted down right beside me then you can see him fly off. There’s more to the video, this just a snip. I slowed the video as much as my phone would and added contrast to the video.