Do Demons Exist on Earth or Beyond the Veil?
Do demons really exist, or are they simply projections of human fear?
Do demons really exist, or are they simply projections of human fear?
For years, the narrative of melting ice caps has been tied to fear—predictions of rising sea levels, climate catastrophe, and an irreversible crisis. But what is truly happening to Earth’s poles? Is this a disaster, or is there something deeper at play?
There exists a place beyond time—a realm of wisdom, transformation, and higher knowing. This place is known as the Halls of Amenti, an eternal chamber where the secrets of the Universe are preserved, and where those who seek enlightenment may receive the highest teachings.
For many years, stories of an impending pole shift have circulated throughout human consciousness, sparking fear and leading many to seek shelter in so-called safe zones.
Just as I was finishing up the editing of last year’s Short Notebook To Retrievals, which included some last minute experiential additions of my own and others in my zoom group, four, maybe five new books on the subject appeared on Amazon.
All souls follow a path of ascension, moving through cycles of birth, experience, and transcendence. There are Seven Great Cycles of Mastery, each refining the soul and bringing it closer to unity with the Source.
Is every single thing that happens in our lives planned before we arrived on Earth? Are the joys, challenges, and even the unexpected twists meticulously preordained by our souls? Or is there room for spontaneity, chance, and free will? The truth lies in a balance between destiny and the nature of life on Earth.
Astral projection is not merely a technique—it is a frequency. Many seekers attempt to leave the body using well-documented methods, yet struggle due to one simple but rarely discussed reason.
Through Seraphina, for Reality UnmaskedThe concept of Earth’s ascension is […]
Crop circles are intricate patterns that appear in fields, often overnight, with no apparent explanation. They are far more than just visual spectacles; they are vibrational imprints encoded with energy, information, and universal truths.
Through Seraphina for Reality Unmasked Beyond the confines of the […]
To unravel this mystery, we must explore the nature of creation, the role of consciousness, and the dynamic interplay between the observer and the observed.
The moment our physical body ceases to function, the essence of who we are—our soul—begins its transition back to what we often call “Home.” This transition is not an end but a profound continuation of existence, one that unveils the true nature of our eternal being.
It began like any other evening, yet something in the energy around you felt different. As you drifted into a meditative state, a profound stillness enveloped you. Suddenly, you were no longer tethered to your physical body.
This image was created using advanced AI technology guided by a description provided by Amaris, my spiritual guide. Each element in the image was carefully envisioned to help those seeking to overcome fear and train their subconscious for successful astral projection.
Reincarnation is not a trap or punishment but an opportunity. Each lifetime is chosen with care, designed to provide unique experiences that contribute to the soul’s evolution.
Some months back our friend Jurgen Ziewe posted about the possibility of moving through hypnagogia, that state which we often pass through on our way to and from sleep.
The Hidden Keys of the Universe: A Sacred Initiation into Higher Wisdom