I went camping with my boyfriend and after we set camp up and hitched our tent, I went on a short hike to explore the area around our campsite. As I walked along on a trail, I felt as if the forest began speaking to me and strangely, I could understand it! I began to see visions of parallel realities. The forest began to look like something out of a doomsday movie. It was a small patch of trees and plants, and I could see how they went through a cycle of life and death. Sadly, a lot of them were dying because of things people were doing to the environment.
As I walked along, I couldn’t help but think about the sadness and frustration of not being able to have a baby after trying for so long. All those emotions hit me like a wave, making me feel really, really sad and angry. I even found myself yelling out loud. Eventually, I reached a low rock wall and decided to lie down in the warm sunshine.
When I looked up at the sky, I started seeing these amazing shapes and colors that looked like something out of a cool piece of art. I felt this incredible sense of love and acceptance, like there was some kind and loving presence watching over me. It didn’t have a face, but it was like colorful shapes and energy moving and shining. It felt like I was getting a glimpse into a different world or a better version of our own. I can’t quite put into words how good and hopeful that love and potential felt.
Then, my boyfriend came to find me, and he helped me get back to our campsite. While we walked, I felt sick and out of breath at times, but I kept seeing those geometric patterns and feeling that pure love presence. Every time I hugged and kissed my boyfriend, I imagined us as these glowing energy beings, like in my earlier vision. It felt like destiny, something beautiful, genuine, and real.
After that, I slowly started to come back to my senses, and things felt more logical. I was able to sit down and think about what I had just experienced for a while.
This experience changed how the rest of my life will go.
By, Susan Day