Lately, the concept of pre-birth planning has crossed my path repeatedly in several articles. After perusing diverse viewpoints on the matter, I’m inclined to share my own perspective, shaped by my own experiences, regarding the notion of preplanning a blueprint for one’s life.
I’ve come across some rather differing views and one opinion is that since we have already arranged the course of our lifetime, even very negative things that happen to us are preplanned, no matter how terrible they may be. However, this perspective seems flawed; if it were true, what incentive would anyone have to endure the trials of this existence? Most likely, many would opt to exit early.
Some might argue that if our lives are predetermined, it absolves us of accountability for our actions and diminishes personal responsibility. However, pre-birth planning merely sets the stage, and our choices and actions remain our own responsibility.
Our souls do participate in a planning process when the time comes that we are ready to once again make a plan to incarnate into another lifetime. We can plan to live a life in the physical realms or the non-physical realms depending on the lessons we aim to experience. In our true eternal home, when the time comes that we are ready, we collaborate with spiritual guides, mentors, and fellow souls to design a blueprint for each new lifetime that we choose to incarnate into. This blueprint may encompass key life events, relationships, challenges, and opportunities, all carefully chosen to facilitate our soul’s growth and evolution.
While pre-birth planning sets the stage and provides a general framework, it does not negate the role of free will in our lives. Free will is the powerful ability to make choices and decisions that shape our experiences, regardless of our pre-birth agreements. It grants us autonomy and the capacity to deviate from our pre-arranged plan if we so choose.
Free will is the driving force that empowers us to make choices every day, from the seemingly insignificant, like what to have for breakfast, to the profound, such as choosing a career or life partner. It is through these choices that we navigate the path of life, making it uniquely our own.
While pre-birth planning suggests that we enter this world with a purpose and specific life events, free will empowers us to shape our own journey, making countless decisions along the way. This combination of divine guidance and individual agency offers a rich tapestry of experiences that make each life unique in the balance between destiny and choice.