My thoughts were on future possibilities, after this lifetime, as I lay in my bed last night. It’s not like I have a death wish, but at times, I feel a little indifferent to living. I used to keep this only to myself never discussing it with other people because they might get the wrong impression of me and think I was suicidal, which I am not. Then I found that lots of other people feel this way too. I’m just looking forward to my next lifetime. I’ve seen the other side and it looks good to me.
I was lost in thought when suddenly my little dog jumped up quickly from his bed and started barking almost hysterically while looking into the bathroom attached to my bedroom. I looked into the darkened bathroom and there was a very large and imposing looking ghost. He stood around seven feet tall and was a large looming presence with his hands folded across his broad chest. He almost looked like a cutout of a human in white cardboard. I could hardly see his features. He looked exactly like a cutout of Mr. Clean. Now, for those of you who don’t know who Mr. Clean is, well he’s an image of a strong tall man with a muscular body and rocking an earring on his ear. He represents the cleaning products for Procter & Gamble. I thought maybe I was imagining all this, I mean, Mr Clean? Why would a ghost appear to me as Mr Clean?
I decided not to focus on him hoping he would disappear, and he did. Then he suddenly reappeared in the frame of my bedroom door for just a moment as if to say hello one more time before disappearing.
I’ve seen energy beings like ghosts and other beings every once in a while, since I was a child so although I usually always pay attention to something like this, it’s not that unusual for me to experience and I was too tired to figure it out that night so I went to sleep.
The next morning I got up and felt like cleaning. I cleaned my house all day, I mean really clean. I had all but forgotten about the ghost in my exhaustion from that day’s cleaning and as I sat down to rest, I remembered the visit from him.
I took me a little while to understand this visitation so I’m adding this note in January 2023. I believe that the ghost that visited me that night was Ric Harris. He was a member here on the website and a good online friend. Ric crossed the veil right around that time and I believe he stopped by to say hello.
Ric had a beard in life and Mr Clean did not, but one gets a picture in their mind when they communicate with someone they have never seen in life, and I had alway gotten a picture of Mr. Clean in my mind with Ric. After death we regain all our memories as well as our true abilities and I wonder if Ric knew that he reminded me of Mr. Clean and so purposely appeared that way to me so I would recognize him. Ric was a kind person and good friend. He will be missed.