It’s taken me over a year to write about this experience. I have wanted to write about this many times but how do you tell people that you traveled inside of your own cancer tumor?
A little over a year ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I knew it was cancer before the official diagnose because I could certainly feel the lump in my breast. In fact, I had put off going to the doctor knowing how my life was going to take a drastic turn once the cancer was official.
I can write about this now because I am on the other side of my healing journey. I’m working toward getting myself back into well-being and moving away from that dark energy which is no longer inside me.

A year ago, before I had my first surgery to remove my breast cancer tumor, I decided I would travel inside my own body, in Astral Projection, and into my cancer tumor. I wanted to see if I could heal the tumor.
I went through my normal routine of completely relaxing each part of my body. Then I purposely “noticed” the dark moving smoke-like tentacles in my mind’s eye until I could feel separation. Suddenly the, “energy me” was beside my body, but separated, and I could see that my body was lying on my back and slightly snoring. I looked so relaxed and at peace.
I had never attempted to go inside my body for this purpose or anyone else’s body for that matter. The thought of it always made me a little apprehensive. We don’t actually exist inside a physical body, we are energy and we surround the physical body in what is known as the Aura. We, as non-physical energy beings, run the physical body much the same way a gamer runs his avatar in a video game. I had read many times that people heal themselves and others by going inside the body and literally fixing what’s “broken”.

I thought just for a moment about going inside my cancer tumor and poof! I was there. It was a strange experience to say the least. I found myself right on the edge of the tumor almost as if there was a doorway. I took a few steps inside.
Inside the cancer it was dark with just enough light to see and it was cold inside. It felt very negative but not frightening. The tumor felt very much alive like I was walking into a damp, dark cave that was completely aware. It felt rubbery and seemed to contract and expand slightly as I entered. It was completely quiet and I felt some pressure almost like being deep underwater. It was strangely shaped with some parts of it square and other parts rounded although I didn’t go too far inside.
Suddenly I felt a knowing inside my mind that made me feel very sad. I was shown images of my past growing up of how I had formed a very unhealthy body image. I was shown how I stored my negative energy within my cells close to my heart, in my breast. Instead of dealing with that negative feeling, I put it away, deep inside me. The energy finally deformed a cell causing cancer to grow over many years. I also learned that I could not heal my tumor.

It had already caused disease. I had reached the third state.
The first state is, “ease” – When we are at ease with ourselves, our emotions and our body are working together and functioning properly. We are functioning well all the way down to a cellular level.
The second state is called “dis-ease” – You have lost your ease with yourself. You are not yet sick but not well either. Your cells, organs and body systems are vibrating differently and not working perfectly as you were when you are at “ease”.
The third state is called, “disease” – Whereas dis-ease is the lack of something, disease is the presence of something and that’s pathology. In this state of disease, parts of our mind, emotions, or body have reached a point where “pathology” now exists. This is end point failure of our cells, organs or systems, a state where someone can “name a condition” that we have developed within our bodies.
It’s been over a year now and I’m happy that dark cancer energy was removed. I hope this post reaches those that might also be manifesting disease. You know that old saying we have all heard practically forever, “LOVE YOURSELF”? Well, it’s true. Love yourself, forgive yourself, and like who you are. This lifetime is very short, and we get to start all over again someday so make the best of this lifetime by liking the avatar you chose before coming to earth and into your current lifetime.
Self-love is a state of appreciation for oneself that grows from actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love means having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your well-being to please others.