After years of no practice I was inspired by a spontaneous Out Of Body Experience, and recently started my lucid dreaming practice again. I committed to 100 lucid dreams. During the pause I had the occasional OBE (Out Of Body Experience) or LD (Lucid Dream), but very rarely, and they weren’t spectacular as I wasn’t prepared to “exploit” them. Without any practice in 3 years I only had 4 OBEs and 4 lucid dreams. If you had any past experience/practice in lucid dreaming, you will get some even if you don’t actively induce them.
Interestingly, I picked up right where I left off, in the LD scene all the skills I have developed in the past were still there. I think that’s fascinating, if I were to play football after a multi year break I would suck, but that is not so with lucid dreaming. So any practice you put in, the skills you gain, will stay with you for the rest of your life, maybe even longer. In order to induce them, I started with daily reality checking as my base practice, nose pinch test, whenever I saw a cat, I pinched my nose to see if I could breathe. If I can, it means I’m in a dream. Even if you block your airways in the dream you can still breathe. Interesting note: After doing these reality checks for a while, I recently have been asked to look after a cat while the owner is on a holiday. I wonder if this is like Neville Goddard’s ladder experiment, where you visualize a ladder while falling asleep and then it appears in real life. Also the cat looks just like in the picture I used in one of my previous articles.

Is this all a coincidence? Maybe. I also experiment with different LD methods, as I go, Rausis technique, WILD, visualization, wake back to back, and reading about LD before going to sleep. I highly recommend the Lucid Waker app, it works. There are many settings, it takes a bit of experimentation, but it sure helps.
So, in this streak I just had my 8-th lucid dream. It was very very long. Before the attempt I stumbled upon a video:
Here the author describes a way in which we can ask our Guardian Angel to compress time when we have a lot of work to do, and very little time, or running late to a meeting. So after watching it I thought, projection time is always in short supply, let’s see if it can be applied to lucid dreaming. So I asked during the next LD to please extend time as much as possible. It seems this works, as I just had the longest lucid dream I ever had in my life, multiple times longer than any other before.
This night I had to wake up briefly at 2:20 am, to care for a patient, then I went back to sleep, and attempted a WILD, aka wake induced lucid dream. It didn’t work, as I fell asleep, but I still got an DILD . So, first I found myself in a normal dream. Someone gave me a gift, a hat, if I take it on, it allows me to levitate objects if they have water content. So I tried it and it truly worked, at first I levitated a water jug, then moved on to other objects. At this point I decided that I should prank my brother, and make him believe that he is in a dream by showing him that I can levitate objects. So I waited for him to come home, and when he arrived, I showed him what I could do. He was wondering if it can truly be, as this couldn’t happen in normal reality. At this point I still assumed its normal reality. In hindsight, I feel really stupid that I used this logic to convince him that he is in a dream while not realizing that I’m myself in a dream too. Dream logic is screwed sometimes . Then I went for a walk. I still enjoyed my newfound powers when it suddenly dawned on me, “wait a minute, if I can do this maybe I AM in a dream“. So I did my reality check, and confirmed it to be a dream. The dreamspace was very vivid already, I didn’t have to use deepening to bring it into focus. I was in a mall, and spotted two hot women. I thought I should pick them up, and maybe have some fun with them. Although I was aware it could end my dream prematurely. I expected it to be easy, but they started giving me shit, I was amused, I mean WTF., you are dream characters, now even dream women starting to play games? So I left them there, and continued to practice my levitation skills in different environments. Gradually I figured out I can levitate any object, not just the ones with water content. It was really exhilarating, I felt like a Jedi. It was really convenient, if I wanted to pick up an object, it just flew right into my hand.

Then I met a mage, and he started to give me instructions. I practiced as he instructed. Then we moved on to practice flying. Flying is one of those skills that for some reason is really difficult for me to learn. I can glide through the air but always fall back to the ground. This skill improves really slowly for me. So he summoned a crow, and told me the crow is going to teach me to fly. I thought, whaaat? What do you expect from a crow? The crow projected an idea into my head. It was like, so you can levitate objects, why not treat your own body as an object and levitate it. That would be like flying. I tried it, it was a bit weird at first, I had to concentrate but it worked, I was flying!!!
Then the mage said he has some business to attend to, so he needs to wake up. He started banging his head into a table.
What are you doing?, I asked.
It’s my method of waking up.
Why multiple times?
He said he was many levels deep into the dream realm, so he needs to wake up multiple times in order to return to his base reality. I tried to wake up, too but I got false awakenings. Maybe I should have followed the mages example and awakened multiple times, but I only awakened twice, each time retesting myself, but the third time I lost the plot and I assumed that I’m awake, even though I wasn’t. I gradually drifted into sleep and lost my conscious awareness. Even during the dream I marvelled at how long it is, I didn’t even have to do dream maintenance (periodically glancing at my hands), and it was going on with focus and clarity. It was so long it is hard to remember it all, every few minutes the new dream events overwrite my previous memories, even though I was intent on remembering it all.
When I woke up I was shocked how long it was.
After waking up I left for work, as I was traveling, I saw a huge truck. On it was a title with huge letters: WILD. It was surreal as I was seeing it through the bus window which was opalescent, it came into focus slowly, and then left my view slowly, just as it would in a dream.
I still have 92 dreams to go, I left my most powerful technique for later, I will report back. Regarding the time extension technique I’m curious to know if it works for others, if there are some lucid dreamers here please try out the technique a few times, and report back please. Good Luck!