Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream to wonder what it could possibly mean? Do our nighttime reveries have real meaning and significance, or are they nothing more than random “white noise” generated as our brains recharge? In The Secret of Dreams, written in 2007, author Yacki Raizizun presents a remarkably comprehensive overview of the deeper meaning of these strange and wondrous mental fantasies.
“While many of our dreams may be traced to subconscious memory or telepathy and happenings of material affairs of our daily lives, others are undoubtedly the astral happenings of the ego while functioning in the etheric regions. There we meet not only the misnamed dead but also many of those who are still in the physical body, and let me state here that many of our difficult problems of physical life are worked out in sleep.
The old axiom, “I will go to sleep on it,” has a greater significance than is generally attributed to it, for sleep and dreams have more to do in shaping your lives than you have any idea of. You can go to school in sleep and study anything you are studying in physical life and make marvelous progress.
Man may be said to live two lives in one, one when he is fully awake and the other when he is sound asleep. These two lives, of course, is the expression of his one existence. The highly developed, spiritual man as he retires into the interior world during sleep, realizes a state of spiritual bliss that is far beyond the stage of ordinary mortals. Man has been in the habit of looking at himself as a mass of flesh and muscle with a slight chance of realizing the Divinity within him. As the earnest soul gradually arouses himself he finds his proper place in the universe, for within him are all the attributes of deity, and when he reaches the end of the long evolutionary journey that is ahead of him he will find himself and know what he is destined to be, a God.” ~ Yacki Raizizun
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