Hypnosis is a technique for creating powerful change within yourself. If you have a conscious desire to rid yourself of negative thoughts and fears or want to bring joy and well-being into your life, hypnosis is a powerful tool to support you.
Hypnosis is a state that you go in and out of as you day dream, watch tv or just sit with your thoughts. You relax into an alpha state of deep relaxation much the same as when you allow yourself the deep relaxation of hypnosis. It’s you that allows the level of relaxation you go into with hypnosis.
Here’s a 20 minute self-hypnosis download from Alive and Free. I found it very positive and uplifting and I wanted to share it with you. You can listen to it as many times as you you like. Just listening one time has positive benefits but the more you listen the more the positive suggestions will become a part of your everyday thinking.
Find a nice time of your day or night where you can be undisturbed for a while. You can listen to this recording while you are working, or doing things around the house but never while you are driving or operating machinery.