When I first started tinkering around with the Law of Attraction and intentional manifesting, I started very small.

While on the beach on the Washington coast, I asked the universe to deliver to me a piece of blue glass. I made it quite clear that I wanted it to appear before me; I didn’t want to search for it; it had to show itself without me looking around for it. It had to be effortless on my part. Within five minutes, right in front of my path was a sparkly blue glass cabochon.
The only thing you usually see on this stretch of beach is seaweed. Needless to say, I was overjoyed.
On my next trip to the ocean a few weeks later, I thought I would bump it up a notch. This time I was throwing money into the equation. I specifically said I wanted to find a dollar. I didn’t care how it came to me, or what denomination it was, as long as it was easy for me to see. With the Law of Attraction, you don’t have to work hard at making things happen!

I had to bust out laughing when right in front of me on a long stretch of beach with nothing but sand, a big old sand dollar was right in front of my path. This one was entirely intact! I found my dollar!
I realized then, sometimes we may need to be a little more specific. I still have that piece of blue glass and the sand dollar.
I share a story about asking the universe for something much bigger than blue glass or a dollar in this video. My manifestations always come to be. In this example, I learned that we need to watch out what we wish for.