First, I can only tell you of things I can explain. There are sights, sounds, experiences well beyond the ability to describe. I have seen colors we don’t have words for, heard music and notes we can’t replicate or describe because our physical ability of sight and hearing is so limited. Breathe in the music, hear and feel the colors of light…
Our human sight is limited to a very narrow bandwidth on the EM spectrum, so is our hearing. Our physical bodies; eyes, ears, cant process beyond their design.
The mind can. On the Astral, the mind can see and hear a vast majority of the EM spectrum. Sound and melodies beyond comprehension, colors we can not describe.
Same with emotions, experiences, sensations… the Astral mind/energy body feels 1000% beyond our physical experiences. The Astral minds process it, comprehend it and we experience the understanding in every cell of our being while on the AP.
Returning to physical, the memories of the experience are still there. But words to describe it don’t exist. I cant mix physical colors to match what I saw on the Astral. The music haunts me, no earthly instruments could reproduce it, and our ears couldn’t process it anyhow.
Remembering the Experience
I look at my travels as an explorer on a new world (literally sometimes). No one to my knowledge has been here before, no one may ever get here again, I need to recall everything I can. So much is not describable. So when I return to physical, I write down a quick outline using simple words. Just to get the memories solid and grounded. Then I go back over the outline and flesh it out, describing the finer details. Then “How do I convey the depth of this or that.” What words encompass the passion, the exquisiteness, the vastness or depth of each experience. What emotions were engaged, smells, textures. There is so much more to this experience I just don’t have words for. We can use words upon the AP, but more often we don’t use words, sometimes it is a universal knowing, other times it’s a bond and a gift of seeing through their eyes.
Which all brings me to my experience on the Astral Plane
This Is My Encounter
I appeared on their streets, at what I assumed was night. Everything was dark and wet looking like just after a rain, but it wasn’t wet just glossy. The pavement was near black, the buildings were black stone and black glass, harsh neon pierced the overall blackness. Signs on businesses, and the lighting inside the buildings was neon. There were several people walking along casually, calling to one another, chatting, laughing….
There was music, blaring from down the street behind me. Synth/opera with a pulse is the best I can describe it. Compelling, but grating as well. The lyrics were jarring. There were a few distinct species in this city.
I was walking casually, just as everyone else was; and one fellow hurried past me; so I followed this person. He was wearing what I would call a medieval monks robe, brown, not fashionable, rough material.
He went into an alley and vanished in the gloom. Until I heard his footsteps on metal, there was a descending metallic stair against a very old looking building. So I followed him down. There were several landings as I descended, none of which had doors. I came to the bottom and there was no door there either. I felt the wall looking for a hidden entrance but found nothing. So I began to ascend the stairs and saw a dull area on the glassy wall surface. So I probed the area and discerned a possible door. Still couldn’t open it, so I walked through it. I startled the guard inside.
No different than the rest of the people I saw. Humanoid, bi-pedal, exo-skeletal, not insectoid, nor reptilian nor mammalian. Hands like ours though many more fingers, their sense of “sight” and hearing were on a strip down their face. And a mouth below. The one I followed came near and indicated to the guard that I was with him. I was allowed further into the building.
High tech. Clear glass monitors that could be seen correctly from either side, I believe it was a holographic language.
They had cubes in front of them that they placed their hands on both sides and by pressure, and maybe intent (or chemical) as well, entered information. I saw a screen of figures by the thousands and didn’t really see any repetitions.
I watched for awhile and discerned several individuals seemed different than the others. Taller and harrier, but not full on sasquatch. Still the same facial feature and body structure. As I understood it, they were an evolutionary hold over from a colder epoch. Still as gifted mentally as the People. As far as the group I was with it seemed the harry types were equals, hacking away at their computer, barking orders. Everyone was free that I could tell.
The group was countering some push into their district I think. Clan type rivalries. So they were often distracted. Their industry was below ground, for I presume esthetic and environmental reasons.
Their language was sing-song, from deep baritones to shrill squeaks in a single word. Not insectoid, (like in Star Wars) but there was a vibrato to it almost didgeridoo…. but not.
They perceive the universe differently. Their visual spectrum is optimized to radio, their minds process differently. Their emotional response is different. And mental logic path is leagues beyond understanding.
I described how I saw their world, with human eyes; they thought I was insane. They saw their world infinitely different and built technologies to interact and overcome their world just as we did in our history. Their technology path is so different from ours, I cant imagine any compatibility.
To see the world through their eyes; I shifted my perceptions lower and lower moving my awareness along the EMF until all of a sudden their world lit up. One moment I am bathed in harsh neon in a dark room filled with computers; the next it is a well lit room, white walls, no discernible light source. I was in shock! What happened to the neon? It sends out a frequency they see. And it illuminates everything evenly. We hear the hum they see light. We see neon light they don’t see light at all.
We entered a large circular room, plush bench seating lined most of the walls and seating in the center as well. We lounged for quite awhile, others coming and going leisurely when the door opened. My host got up and I followed him out the door onto a bright patio on the roof. Apparently the large round room was a very slow elevator. These people don’t seem to be in any hurry. That oddity was what caught my eye to this person in the first place as he was the only individual in a rush.
We are outside onto the rooftop; I walk to the edge, no hand rail. As I looked over the “city” the landscapes I saw were breathtaking and it was daylight, just approaching evening.
Their sun does not produce visible light but radio waves. Everything evolved to harness the radio frequency, just as our planet harnesses light frequency. Everything was so vibrant, and the colors were deep not a solid yellow for example but the glossiness penetrated through more of the spectrum oranges with lime green, colors shifted as your view changed… it is indescribable.