Just as I was finishing up the editing of last year’s Short Notebook To Retrievals, which included some last minute experiential additions of my own and others in my zoom group, four, maybe five new books on the subject appeared on Amazon (May Long, Franck Labat, Vincent Field, and two by Kevin Jeffers). I have since bought and read sections of each one, and as I feared, will have to include some pointed references in what will inevitably be a new edition, perhaps sometime this spring.

Every aspect of our expanding consciousness seems to be accelerating these days and that includes OBE projections, however facilitated or assisted. Personal memoirs telling of almost any anomalous experience seem to be increasing incrementally, and ebooks, podcasts and interviews conspire, almost without effort, to spread the word. We all know our vibrations are speeding up, along with just about everything else. Fast, faster and then right off the charts. Shit happens and within an hour many know and within a day everyone knows and has some kind of opinion or reaction, me included.
Sure it can be seen as mere passing-the-time chatter, the music of social interaction as predictable as village gossip on market day, say 1327. The implication always seems to be that matters of more significance and import await our attention: studying, praying, passing the hat for charity, building and maintaining safe and attractive neighbourhoods, curating our children’s education, participating in the arts, either as audience or performer. We all have our preferences.
Much of the goings on in the afterlife worlds reflect these concerns. Astral chatter, though often more elevated and dare I say it, cosmic, is still chatter once you’ve done the rounds of various spheres. And as more and more explorers write and speak of their journeys we can see those spheres expanding, much like the physical representation of the galaxies ‘out there’. There seems to be no end to the expansion of either space. A huge variety of sentient beings populate both the paradise spheres and the propagation of planets, whether populated or practically empty. (one of my clients during a guided meditation to whatever form of akashic records suited her perceptions came across a planet consisting entirely of water, with water being the sole sentient inhabitant).
Life is eternal and everywhere. On all levels some kind of intelligence operates. Astral travellers come across areas where intelligence is restricted by ignorance, paranoia, egomania, automatic distrust of the ‘other’, and that know-it-all pride. Intelligence there is severely stunted but its roots can still be discerned. On other, higher levels intelligence radiates from every surface of every body and structure. Trees talk, grass whispers, rivers sing, buildings have distinct personalities. Many astral travellers and some nde experiencers will tell you this.
But what especially interests me are the reports of that ‘place’ where ‘stillness speaks’, where nothing seems to exist but a knowing presence that bathes one in a warm supporting sympathy. A presence that seeks not to impress or improve but wishes to make known your membership in some invisible companionship of souls, spirits, & intelligences, all of whom seem to have transcended the need to be seen, recognised or praised. In that nothingness you too have disappeared. Here there is nothing to know, nothing to forget. Lifetimes are mere postcards from the edge. Being born and dying a flash in the pan.
Residence in that radiant void, as temporary as time itself, free of prophets with a message, deities and their dominions, soul groups with plans and purpose, cultures that clutch and history which teaches, can be a relaxing revelation for astral travellers.
With, nothing more to discover, no secrets to be unveiled. Here we all are, nothing knowing nothing.
I love to see travellers encountering that and giving up the task of discovery, if only for some eternal moment. Is that, I wonder, my own favourite attachment? The confirmed fan of the radiant void?