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Emerald Tablet Fourteen • The Dweller of Unal
In Tablet XIV of The Emerald Tablets, Thoth describes his experiences with the people of Unal, an ancient and powerful civilization that existed on Earth before the sinking of Atlantis. Thoth explains that he served as a guide and teacher to the people of Unal, imparting wisdom and the secrets of spiritual ascension. Unal was a land of great knowledge and spiritual power, with advanced technology and wisdom that rivaled Atlantis.
This tablet emphasizes the idea of maintaining the purity of one’s spiritual knowledge and power, as well as avoiding the corruption and destruction that befell other great civilizations like Atlantis. Thoth speaks about the law of cause and effect and how misuse of power leads to inevitable downfall. He describes his efforts to protect and preserve sacred knowledge so that it could be passed down to future generations, hidden away from those who might misuse it.
Thoth also introduces the concept of cycles, explaining that civilizations rise and fall in great cycles, and that those who seek true wisdom must strive to transcend the material world to achieve higher spiritual awareness. The teachings of Unal, he explains, are eternal and can guide souls to ascension and enlightenment beyond the limitations of earthly existence.
This tablet continues to reinforce key themes from earlier tablets, including the importance of spiritual discipline, mastery over the self, and the pursuit of higher consciousness. It serves as a reminder that wisdom and power are gifts that must be used wisely, or else they lead to destruction.
Here are the key points from Tablet 14: The Dweller of Unal of The Emerald Tablets:
1. Unal: Ancient Civilization: Thoth describes Unal as a powerful, spiritually advanced civilization that existed on Earth long before the sinking of Atlantis. The people of Unal possessed great knowledge and spiritual power.
2. Thoth’s Role: Thoth served as a guide and teacher to the people of Unal, imparting wisdom and helping them achieve spiritual ascension. He acted as a protector of the sacred knowledge and spiritual laws.
3. Spiritual Purity: The importance of maintaining spiritual purity is emphasized. The knowledge and power of the people of Unal were to be used for higher purposes, not for personal gain or material desires.
4. Law of Cause and Effect: Thoth explains the law of cause and effect, warning that the misuse of spiritual power leads to destruction. This principle is central to understanding the rise and fall of civilizations.
5. Cycles of Civilization: Thoth teaches that civilizations rise and fall in cycles. This cyclical nature reflects the broader cosmic order, where nothing is permanent, and every civilization must eventually decline if it strays from spiritual purity.
6. Preservation of Knowledge: Thoth worked to protect and preserve sacred knowledge so that it could be hidden from those who would misuse it and be passed down to future generations. He emphasizes the need to safeguard wisdom from corruption.
7. Ascension and Higher Realms: Thoth discusses the eternal teachings of Unal that guide souls to ascension, encouraging people to strive for higher consciousness beyond the material world.
8. Transcending the Physical: The tablet teaches that the pursuit of wisdom and mastery over the self allows one to transcend physical limitations and reach higher spiritual dimensions, where true enlightenment can be found.
9. Warnings Against Corruption: Thoth highlights the dangers of spiritual and moral corruption. Civilizations like Atlantis fell because they misused their power, and Thoth warns against repeating these mistakes.
10. Immortality of the Soul: Thoth reinforces the idea that the soul is eternal and that those who achieve spiritual mastery can move beyond the cycle of birth and death, living on in the higher planes of existence.
11. Guardianship of Sacred Wisdom: Thoth considers himself and other enlightened beings as the guardians of sacred wisdom, ensuring that it is preserved for future generations who are ready to receive it.
These points reinforce the broader themes of, The Emerald Tablets, particularly the importance of spiritual discipline, the cyclical nature of existence, and the need to use knowledge and power for the higher good.
Here is the full text of Tablet XIV: The Dweller of Unal from The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean:
List ye, O Man, to the voice of wisdom,
list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Freely I give to thee of my wisdom,
gathered from the time and space of this cycle;
master of mysteries, SUN of the morning,
Thoth the teacher of men, is of ALL.
Long time ago, I in my childhood,
lay ‘neath the stars on long-buried ATLANTIS,
dreaming of mysteries far above men.
Then in my heart grew there a great longing
to conquer the pathway that led to the stars.
Year after year, I sought after wisdom,
seeking new knowledge, following the way,
until at last my Soul, in great travail,
broke from its bondage and bounded away.
Free was I from the bondage of earth-men,
free from the body, I flashed through the night.
Unlocked at last for me was the star-space,
free was I from the bondage of night.
Now to the end of space sought I wisdom,
far beyond knowledge of finite man.
Far into space, my Soul traveled freely
into infinity’s circle of light.
Strange, beyond knowledge, were some of the planets,
great and gigantic, beyond dreams of men.
Yet found I Law, in all of its beauty,
working through and among them as here among men.
Flashed forth my soul through infinity’s beauty,
far through space I flew with my thoughts.
Rested I there on a planet of beauty.
Strains of harmony filled all the air.
Shapes there were, moving in Order,
great and majestic as stars in the night;
mounting in harmony, ordered equilibrium,
symbols of the Cosmic, like unto Law.
Many the stars I passed in my journey,
many the races of men on their worlds;
some reaching high as stars of the morning,
some falling low in the blackness of night.
Each and all of them struggling upward,
gaining the heights and plumbing the depths,
moving at times in realms of brightness,
living through darkness, gaining the Light.
Know, O man, that Light is thine heritage.
Know that darkness is only a veil.
Sealed in thine heart is brightness eternal,
waiting the moment of freedom to conquer,
waiting to rend the veil of the night.
Some I found who had conquered the ether.
Free of space were they while yet they were men.
Using the force that is the foundation of ALL,
far in space constructed they a planet,
drawn by the force that flows through the ALL;
condensing, coalescing the ether into forms,
that grew as they willed.
Outstripping in science, they, all of the races,
mighty in wisdom, sons of the stars.
Long time I paused, watching their wisdom.
Saw them create from out of the ether
cities gigantic of rose and gold.
Formed forth from the primal element,
base of all matter, the ether far-flung.
Far in the past, they had conquered the ether,
freed themselves from the bondage of toil;
formed in their mind only a picture
and swiftly created, it grew.
Forth then my soul sped throughout the Cosmos,
seeing ever new things and old;
learning that man is truly space-born,
a son of the Sun, a child of the stars.
Know ye, O man, whatever from ye inhabit,
surely it is one with the stars.
Thy bodies are nothing but planets revolving
around their central suns.
When ye have gained the Light of all wisdom,
free shall ye be to shine in the ether —
one of the Suns that light outer darkness —
one of the space-born grown into Light.
Just as the stars in time lose their brilliance,
light passing from them into the great source,
so, O man, thy Soul passes onward,
leaving behind the darkness of night.
Formed forth ye from the primal ether,
filled with the brilliance that flows from the source,
bound by the ether coalesced around,
yet ever it flames until at last it is free.
Lift up your flame from out of the darkness,
fly from the night and ye shall be free.
Traveled I through the space-time,
knowing my soul at last was set free,
knowing that now I might pursue wisdom.
Until at last I passed to a plane,
hidden from knowledge, known not to wisdom,
extension beyond all that we know.
Now, O man, when I had this knowing,
happy my Soul grew, for now I was free.
Listen, ye space-born, list to my wisdom:
know ye not that ye, too, will be free.
List ye again, O Man, to my wisdom,
that hearing, ye too, might live and be free.
Not of the earth are ye — earthy,
but child of the Infinite Cosmic Light.
Know ye not, O Man, of your heritage?
Know ye not ye are truly the Light?
Sun of the Great Sun, when ye gain wisdom,
truly aware of your kinship with Light.
Now, to ye, I give knowledge, freedom to walk in the path I have trod,
showing ye truly how by my striving
I trod the path that leads to the stars.
Hark ye, O Man, and know of thy bondage,
know how to free thyself from the toils.
Out of the darkness shall ye rise upward,
one with the Light and one with the stars.
Follow ye ever the path of wisdom.
Only by this can ye rise from below.
Ever man’s destiny leads him onward
into the Curves of Infinity’s ALL.
Know ye, O man, that all space is ordered.
Only by Order are ye One with the ALL.
Order and Balance are the Law of the Cosmos.
Follow and ye shall be One with the ALL.
He who would follow the pathway of wisdom,
open must be to the Flower of Life,
extending his consciousness out of the darkness,
flowing through time and space in the ALL.
Deep in the silence, first ye must linger
until at last ye are free from desire,
free from the longing to speak in the silence.
Conquer by silence, the bondage of words.
Abstaining from eating until we have conquered desire for food,
that is bondage of Soul.
Then lie ye down in the silence.
Close ye your eyes from the darkness around.
Rest in the peace and stillness of the Light.
This text, full of symbolism and esoteric teachings, emphasizes self-mastery, ascension to higher consciousness, and the eternal nature of the soul.
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