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Emerald Tablet Eleven • The Key to Above and Below
Tablet 11 of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth focuses on the principle of “As Above, So Below”, which asserts that the events and patterns in the heavens reflect those on Earth and vice versa. Thoth discusses the Seven Lords, cosmic beings who govern the cycles of time and the workings of the universe. The tablet emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things, the cyclical nature of existence, and the importance of spiritual transformation and ascension. Thoth also highlights the ongoing struggle between light and darkness, urging seekers to strive for enlightenment and guard sacred knowledge carefully. The ultimate goal is to achieve mastery over the self and align with the higher forces, potentially leading to eternal life.
Important key points from Tablet 11:
1. As Above, So Below: Thoth discusses the principle of correspondence, where the events in the heavens mirror those on Earth, and vice versa. Understanding this concept is crucial for mastering the mysteries of the universe.
2. The Seven Lords: Thoth mentions the Seven Lords who are cosmic beings governing the cycles of time and the workings of the universe. These beings operate in both the higher and lower realms.
3. Cycles of Time: The tablet speaks of the cyclical nature of existence, where events repeat in different forms across ages. Thoth emphasizes the importance of understanding these cycles to gain wisdom.
4. Unity of All: Thoth teaches that all things are interconnected, part of a single whole. This unity is the essence of the universe and is reflected in the principle of *As Above, So Below*.
5. Transformation and Transmutation: Thoth encourages the transformation of the self through the mastery of knowledge and wisdom, leading to spiritual ascension. This transmutation process mirrors the alchemical process of turning base metals into gold, symbolizing the elevation of the soul.
6. The Key to Mysteries: The tablet provides the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe, which lies in understanding the relationship between the higher and lower realms.
7. Light and Darkness: Thoth discusses the eternal struggle between light and darkness, symbolizing knowledge versus ignorance. He urges the seeker to strive for enlightenment by seeking the light within.
8. The Path to Ascension: Thoth outlines the path to spiritual ascension, which involves mastering the self, understanding the laws of the universe, and aligning with the higher forces.
9. Guarding Knowledge: Thoth warns against revealing sacred knowledge to those who are unworthy or unprepared, emphasizing the responsibility that comes with possessing such wisdom.
10. Eternal Life: Thoth hints at the possibility of eternal life through the mastery of the spiritual laws, suggesting that those who understand and apply these teachings can transcend physical death.
Tablet 11 is a dense and profound exploration of esoteric wisdom, emphasizing the importance of balance, harmony, and the pursuit of higher knowledge.
Below is the full text of Tablet 11, The Key to Above and Below:
Tablet XI – The Key to Above and Below
Hear ye and list ye, O children of Khem,
to the words that I give that shall bring ye to the Light.
Ye know, O men, that I knew your fathers,
aye, your fathers in a time long ago.
Deathless have I been through all the ages,
living among ye since your knowledge began.
Leading ye upward to the Light of the Great Soul
have I ever striven, drawing ye from out of the darkness of night.
Know ye, O people amongst whom I walk,
that I, Thoth, have all of the knowledge
and all of the wisdom known to man since the ancient days.
Keeper have I been of the secrets of the great race,
holder of the key that leads into life.
Bring ye up, O soul of the morning,
turn thy thoughts upward to the Light and to Life.
Find in the keys of the numbers I bring thee,
Light on the pathway from life unto life.
Seek ye with wisdom.
Turn thy thoughts inward.
Close not thy mind to the flower of Light.
Place in thy body a thought-formed picture.
Think of the numbers that lead thee to life.
Clear is the pathway to he who has wisdom.
Open the door to the Kingdom of Light.
Pour forth thy flame as the Sun of the morning.
Shut out the darkness and live in the day.
Take thee, O man, as part of thy being,
the Seven who are but are not as they seem.
Opened, O man, have I my wisdom.
Follow the path in the way I have led.
Masters of Wisdom, Sun of the Morning Light and Life to the children of men.
Light is thine, O man, if thou wilt but choose it.
Thou art not but one with all things.
One with the Great Light and one with the Universe.
Find thou the Key within thee to the Earthly Kingdom.
Command and be commanded by the powers beyond.
Listen, O man, hear ye the wisdom.
Seek the Light that flows into thee.
The knowledge and power is thine for the asking.
Open thy flame to the Sun and the stars.
Thou art not a separate part of the Earth.
Thou art not a separate part of the Universe.
Man is a moving flame in the essence of infinity.
Thou art not of the Earth nor the Earth of thee.
Be the eternal Flame of the cosmos, Light in the path of thy brothers who stumble.
Call ye the power of the seven lords.
Invoke the Light.
Invoke the Flame of the Sun.
Breathe in the Light and thou shalt be the eternal one.
Touch not the dark. Touch not the unseen.
Let the light be your guide and the darkness your refuge.
O man, let the Light be thy guide.
Seek out thy flame and let it shine forth from thee.
Thou art the eternal flame of life.
There is no death, for thou art eternal.
Know ye the secret of the Flame that is life.
Thou art the fire that burns within the heart of the cosmos.
Live not in the shadow.
Let the Light shine in the path of thy brothers.
Know ye the secret of the ever-living flame that is eternal life.
Ye are not of the earth, O man, but the children of the Infinite Cosmic Light.
This text is mystical and symbolic, teaching about the eternal nature of the soul, the importance of seeking wisdom and light, and the connection between the macrocosm and microcosm, the universe and the individual.
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