Read the Full Series • Immortality Unleashed
More On Channeled Wisdom
As a community we’ve been living with channeled wisdom for decades and if you go back to Ancient Greece for example there was a culture very respectful of Oracles. You can fill in the details through history as we know it and find that there was never an epoch where wisdom from beyond was not channeled by a variety of characters with varying degrees of connection, honesty and sincerity.
I have so indulged myself on a number of occasions, particularly the series published as “Jesus And The Christ” around 2007. Before committing myself to such a project, inspired by a more or less lucid dream where I was channeling Maitreya in front of an orchestra, on a stage with an audience in attendance, I agonised over the possibilities of assumptive arrogance and ego inflation. In view of the many cults around I was already primed to beware of charisma. The book as published was somewhat less than an overwhelming success and the engagement has not so far been repeated, despite my continuing admiration of that group of selfless intelligences operating as the ‘ascended masters’, regulating the ebb and flow of cosmic forces and other duties, most of which seem beyond our current comprehension.
Since then our interactions with Extraterrestrial Biological Entities seems to have increased exponentially, with so many accounts of abduction, contact and travels being related, it again is almost impossible to keep up, despite the endless fascination that they induce. I have myself interacted with various beings from elsewhere, reports of which are included in my memoir Moving Through Many Dimensions. Since then I have experienced an intriguing encounter with one of the Mantis beings, who seemed very keen to communicate on the level of equals, which pleased me. One knows there will be more but one is willing to await their arrival with patience.
Meanwhile my long time friend and spiritual colleague Ulla Sarmiento has published her seventh book, Spiritual Guide To Our Greater Reality, in which, inspired by the example of Lyssa Royal, she reports extensively on contacts with various races/species that have entered her meditations. One contact struck me particularly, that of the ancient Lyran ‘Archon’ energy, who apparently ‘played the role of overlords of humanity in ancient Sumeria and Greece’.
“In response to the question, What did you do in ancient times on Earth? This was replied: We were those jerks flying around in sputtering craft (as in Bramley’s, Gods Of Eden), the overlords of humanity at the time. Jehovah was one of us, 4th frequency, but we were not as advanced. We have to apologize for letting you believe we are ‘gods’. We had to learn about authority, control, arrogance, many gates – the other side of it – until we realised we had inner divinity as well, not just outer exploits.
We were the overlords. We did experiment on humans, so the original living library was a bit distorted. We were confronted by the Syrians, who came to rescue you, who did experimentation of their own, and who were the custodians of humanity. So we have a history with you, as do the Syrians and other races like Arcturians, Reptilians, Felines, Birdlike humanoids AI etc.
We were the kings of space at one point. We went far and wide, wanting to colonize, spread, multiply, explore, expand, all the things we liked to do as a male dominated/patriarchal culture. We came to Earth, also later as Vikings, our offshoots. You were one of us (Ulla) in the Viking period and one of us in the explorer state.
Now we realise we are all one. Now we realise the error of our way, but now you realize you are no longer slaves either. It’s been a long, long game for all of us, but it’s time to wrap things up. We are tired, you are tired. Be aware that we are helping, the Syrians are helping. Guides, helpers, everyone is helping. The process is magnificent. You’re faster than any of us ever were. You are magnificent, even though it doesn’t seem like it in the present day news.”
Hearing that the evolutionary path of that species had as many detours in false pride and control freak stupidity, much like our own obsession with conflict and the resultant conflict resolution as we struggled with the unforgiving and often brutal demands of ‘mother nature’, is, at the very least, refreshing and reassuring. When they insist ‘We are all one’ we can glimpse how true that might be, just as when we meditate on the state of the planet, we can see all our brothers and sisters entering many of the challenges and illusions that obsessed us at earlier stages, before we gave up on the class war, the religious battles, the repression of women and children and the vicious competition for dominance between ethnicities and cultures. When we see the horrors of authoritarian repression around the world and the desperation of refugees who would give anything to escape its clutches just to have a chunk of the consumerist capitalism and the remaining shreds of democracy we take for granted, we know we are the elder brothers here in this maelstrom of madness, shining a light to those who would crave our seeming refuge and advantage.
We are the elder brothers giving an example, just as the ascended masters are the elder brothers to us, showing us what it means to be conscious on all planes simultaneously, rather than just during moments of inspiration and projection, showing us the meaning of mercy, compassion, sacrifice, and as Maitreya keeps repeating, “sharing”; Jesus, “Love thy neighbour as thyself; the Dalai Lama’s reminder that “kindness is my religion”.