Read the Full Series • Immortality Unleashed
Surveying The Channeled Literature
Whether you take on Jon Klimo’s encyclopaedic Channeling or revisit your own collection, as I am currently doing, it does not take long to be reminded that there is lots of it out there, so much that you can see you’ll never encompass it all. The question is, if indeed there is one that can be successfully isolated, what to do with it. Absorb, critique, enjoy? Let it float your boat across the sea of consciousness and have you discover not only the various levels of the spirit worlds from which an endless variety of souls, self-identified as human, seek to communicate and perhaps persuade you of the joys of their new existence? Or maybe be moved by prophets, saints, ascended masters and angels, whose embodiment of unconditional love refreshes the wounded intellect seeking answers to suffering? Or perhaps the extraterrestrial biological entities broadcasting the genius of their species and advanced technologies or the enticing mysteries of their home galaxy?
There is much to encounter and absorb if one so chooses. I myself do not require the faith building supports of evidential spiritualism, my own repeated contacts being more than sufficient to wash away whatever doubts I may have once harboured, but many do, and their seeking continues with only minor variations from a century or more ago. Sensitives and psychics are always in demand and one can see their participation clearly in the various autobiographies available.
Whether you wish to hear that your dearly departed have survived the various trials of their transitions and are back in the bosom of the extended family and ethnic grouping or discover the activities of celebrity artists, architects, statesmen, philosophers and scientists and the advances they have pioneered ‘over there’ that could well be reactivated ‘here’ through mental inspiration, the relevant information is there if you dig deep enough. ‘Seek and you shall find’ is as true here as anywhere else. Of course the internet has made the dissemination of such knowledge easier than ever, including the knowing that various inventions of the ‘soul phone’ category are being worked on. It will not be long now until one can hold a device, perhaps similar to a smartphone or a computer keyboard, and interact with the soul or souls you so keenly wish to hear from. As far as I can tell the technology does not need to be so much developed as refined. This in Sept/23.
Of course there will be those who feel that such devices are in the realm of deceiving devils, the latest distraction from faith that was preceded by yoga and meditation and the like. On the other hand there may be so few devices available lineups will be long. The cultural launch, whatever its nature, will be fascinating. We shall be amused, excited and perhaps baffled by discoveries, revelations and repressive pushback, much as we are now with the UFO whistleblowers and their antagonists. The rainbow bridge between the physical and astral planes has been under construction for decades, if not centuries, and each telepathic contact, lucid dream, near death experience or consciousness projection adds to its vibratory reality. Will these devices be the final link? Eventually I suspect, yes. There will be text, then audio, then video, then perhaps holograms.
Timelines are so amorphous and flexible, I hesitate to predict further, but I do see it coming at us. Like that old gospel song I first heard as a teenager, People get ready there’s a train a-coming, and all you have to do is get on board.