Universal wisdom often arrives in unexpected ways.
In 2015, while attending a Reiki/Crystal Bowl healing meditation in Fort Myers, Florida, something strange happened. I found myself in unfamiliar territory, face to face with an important and historical icon from the Lakota Sioux Nation—White Buffalo.
I had never heard of White Buffalo, but that didn’t surprise me. You see, in August of 2013, my life as a pragmatic psychologist abruptly ended when I began receiving messages from other-worldly sources. So, meeting with new spirits was almost routine.
Throughout my often-astonishing travels into the unknown, never have my experiences been as meaningful as my relationship with White Buffalo. Those wise and timeless messages from this great spirit influence me even today.
These are the verbatim words from White Buffalo as channeled by me.
November 22, 2015:
I come to you in peace. New times have arrived. This is a new Earth, a new Earth upon which you shall live—a new day, a new world, a new Earth.
Tenet #1: Honor
Religious texts say to honor thy mother and father. This is a basic tenet calling for you to honor thy Source. We say to honor thy Mother Earth/Gaia and Father/Grandfather Sky. Honor all living things, not only those that breathe. Honor all that surround you, for you are a part of this. You are not separate. This is you. Use the senses that were given to you by Source. Use those senses to experience the world differently. When you engage the energy of honor, your senses open. Your experiences and interactions become richer.
Tenet #2: Respect
Respect your neighbors. Your neighbors are not only those who live amongst you or within your clan but those who live within your tribe as well. Respect your enemies. Respect the strangers who walk upon this Earth. Respect not just humans, but plants, minerals, and animals. Share with them, honor and respect them, for they are part of all, as are you.
Tenet #3: Love
Love. Love is what motivates humans. Love is what challenges humans. Love makes us look at things in a different light. Love allows us to see another person’s point of view. Love is all-encompassing. Love is what brings us together as a clan, as a tribe. Love is the glue that binds hearts together. Love is.
Tenet #4: Obey Your Heart
This is the greatest law of all. Obey your heart. As you obey your heart, everything else will fall in alignment with the greater good. Learn this lesson from our animal friends. Watch how they go about their lives. They live not in the spaces of their brains, but they flow in a natural way by living moment to moment. They follow their hearts, for the heart will never lead you astray. Your path, guided by your heart, will be the path of perfect alignment. So be it.
Tenet #5: Forgiveness
Forgive and ask forgiveness. The act of forgiveness opens deeply embedded wounds of the warrior. The act of forgiveness is a powerful salve of the Great Medicine Man. Opening the wound takes a concerted effort, and it is not without pain, yet opening the wound is necessary for healing to occur. The energy of forgiveness is a salve to cool the intense, fiery pain that has been inflicted. Forgiveness allows all healing to take place. When forgiveness is withheld, the wound continues to fester. It stays inflamed, and the infection spreads. Old wounds may be buried deep within. Unless they have been treated with the salve of forgiveness, they will never heal.
When a poisoned dart is removed from flesh, its poison continues to infect surrounding tissue. The poison enters the bloodstream. Unless the wound itself is healed, damage continues. Cells, organs, and vital strength are affected. There must be healing, complete healing. This healing, my friend, is for everyone, not only the injured. With the salve of forgiveness, the injured is restored to a state of good health. Forgiveness also removes the energy of karma. We are all one. Forgiveness is needed to bring everyone back into the state of wholeness and oneness. The energy of forgiveness brings forth alignment with Source.
These tenets represent a new way spirit is moving through this one; it is part of the new Gaia. Spirit speaks to us in different ways. Some through ancestors, some through feeling, some through music, some through art, some through dance, some through knowing. Some messages are too subtle to perceive, yet there is a gentle nudge, a hint, a suggestion. We operate a little differently than before but with no discernable reason why. We do not perceive the guidance, yet we allow Guidance to lead us down a different path.
Spirit of White Buffalo is coming to this new Gaia in the form of White Buffalo Calf. There are similarities between White Buffalo Calf and other ascended masters. Jesus Christ came to Earth as did White Buffalo Calf. Both come from spirit, from Source. White Buffalo Calf is a part of the Source of all there is. This Source is referred to as White Buffalo. Jesus Christ came from spirit, from Source. He is from the Source of all there is. This Source is referred to as God, Holy Father, Creator. This analogy is the same for all the ascended masters that have come upon this Earth. We say it is true for each of you as well.
Each human upon this Earth has come from Source, from the energy of all that is. As with White Buffalo Calf, Jesus Christ, and all ascended masters, they carry aspects of Source with them upon this Earth plane. They are representations of Source, as are you. Each of you is a part of the whole; you are the whole. There are many names that have been given: Star Seed, Divine Spark, Dream Seed, etc., but we say these are only words. Humans stem from Source regardless of the name given to the Source. With the new Gaia, the time has come for each human to return to Source, to awaken to the truth within that we are all one.
White Buffalo Calf came to this one as a newborn calf, for this represents newness and birth; it is a manifestation of new beginnings. It is time to look at these old messages with a new light, these messages that have been received for millennia.
There have been messages shared with those on the Earth plane, but these messages have been distorted. Not all distortions have been intentional, but messages were interpreted literally. When messages result in exclusivity and not inclusivity, know there has been misinterpretation.
We are all one. We repeat, we are all one. There is not “us versus them.” We look upon the centuries of so-called holy wars upon the Earth and know there is ignorance, a miscommunication of our messages. How can any religion claim ownership to Source? How can there be only one path to Source? How can both sides fight in the name of Source and each side claims their side to be true? God Source represents all. God Source is all. We are all one. Our messages are of inclusivity, not exclusivity. Do you love your right eye more than your left?
Tenet #6: Harmony
Harmony is like the strong undercurrent in a river. It is always there, and it is very powerful. Although not always visible on the surface, the undercurrent guides and directs the flow of the river. Harmony is an undercurrent in life. It is in this current of harmony that everything flows from Source. Harmony is the foundation of all there is. It is the glue that holds everything together. It is a natural phenomenon that will bind all things so they will operate in fullness, wholeness, and unity.
When you look to Father Sky at night, you may see only a sliver of the moon. Yet the fullness of Grandmother Moon is always there but not always seen. Harmony is like the moon: always there in its fullness but not always perceived.
It is time for humans to let go of preconceived notions of what is important. It is time to live life through the heart center. By living in fullness and through the heart, one engages the energy of harmony. The heart center beckons, and the energy of harmony answers. Harmony will begin to flow as rapidly as a river filled with the melting snow of winter. It is the natural way. It is our way. It is time for humanity to return to the way of nature, the way of spirit, the way of the White Buffalo.
~White Buffalo
From the Reluctant Messenger: Stampede
There is such wisdom from these timeless words from White Buffalo—respecting others, moving through life with love in your hearts, forgiving so that you may move forward, walking in harmony upon this beautiful planet.
Living by these words make a difference.