Part One » Part Two
Imagination is the infinite intelligence that created all of existence. Everything had to be imagined before it could become manifest. When you use your imagination, you are connecting to the creative power of awareness.
Some people say that they can’t imagine very well but that’s not true and you should NEVER say or think that because your words are very powerful and by saying you have a poor imagination, you do. The truth is that we all use our imagination every day. Here’s an example; let’s say you went to the grocery store and you bought a fresh pastry. When you got home you ate the pastry and it was really good and fresh. We’ve all done something like that whether it be a pastry, a donut, a sweet roll or whatever. Now think for a moment about how good it was and how sweet it tasted. Do you remember the texture when you bit into it?
You have just used your imagination to fully remember that delightful food item. So, you can see that we all have, and use, our imagination all the time.
That little exercise made me want a chocolate donut right now!
Hopefully, you’ve read and done, The Ladder Technique if you’re reading this post. It’s not a requirement to make this next part work but it’s so successful and easy to do that it will create a firm belief within you about the power of manifesting your desired life.
To manifest exactly what you want in your life, or to rid yourself of unwanted things, you will be imagining that which you wish manifest, has already happened.
“If you will assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact.” ~ Neville Goddard
Here’s how to change your life:
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1. The first step is to know EXACTLY what it is you want to manifest. Be very clear in your mind. Do you want to be healthy and fit? Are you looking for someone to love and spend your life with? Do you want to create abundance in your life? It’s up to you but very very clear on exactly what you want to manifest into, or out of, your life. 2. Next, get out your journal or just a piece of paper and something to write with. Sit down and write out, your happy ending, in a short scene. Write down exactly how it would feel if you had already gotten, or were living, that which you wish to manifest from the first step. It doesn’t have to be long but give your scene some life with a few details. For example, let’s say you wanted to be married and in love. You might write out a short scene where you look down and see a ring on your finger, you might even describe the ring. Perhaps you hear the person you are married to say how much they love being married to you and how wonderful your life together is. If you are looking to be healthy and fit, write out a short scene where you are sitting at a table across from a friend having lunch together. Write about looking down at your body while sitting in the chair. What does your body look like? Is it lean, healthy and fit? Write out the details of how you desire to live. You do not need to write one single detail of how it will happen. Don’t sweat the details of how this is going to work. You only write the end results. Then put this writing away somewhere and don’t look at it again until your manifestation is successful. 3. For the next few nights, or as long as a week if it feels right, you should use your imagination to see and feel the end results that you wrote down in step two. Do this after you’ve settled into bed and you’re ready to go to sleep each night. Just relax and see yourself enjoying the results of your manifestation as if it’s already happened. See the scene in a loop until you fall asleep each night. Replay the same scene over and over until you drift off to sleep. During times when you are awake daydream or meditate about the way your life feels after what you wanted has already happened. Does it make you feel joy? Do people look at you differently? |
You shouldn’t be witnessing the scene like a bystander. You must be inside the body of the main character in your story. So look through your own eyes and take an active role in the imaginal act.
Don’t stop here and say to yourself that you don’t have an imagination! You do have one, read on…
Here are three very easy techniques for you to use for step 3. One or more of them will absolutely work for you!
Read through each technique and the one that resonates with you is the one to use. Follow the simple instructions exactly as they are written. Just because the techniques are simple, do not deviate from any of the steps and you will be successful.
Three example or scenarios you can use for step 3
![]() | 1. Listening In – Imagine that you can hear a group of people talking about you. They are talking about how lucky you are to have married the love of your life and they are so happy for you. Or perhaps they are talking about how incredible and healthy you look and act. It’s not important to see a single person in your mind’s eye, just hear them speak about your accomplishment that you have already made manifest. 2. Being Congratulated – In this scenario you are being congratulated for your accomplishment. Feelings are important so imagine how good you feel being recognized for what you did! You could visualize a party being given in your honor or simply a friend looking you right in the eye and saying, “excellent! You did it!”. Imagine someone raising a glass to you and giving a toast in your honor. Use your feelings to feel the excitement and joy at being recognized in this way. 3. It’s Already Happened – Just use your imagination to think about a point in the future where you are living exactly as you had always imagined you would. Feel the joy of living the life you love or living with the love of your life. Maybe you see yourself traveling all over the world in the lap of luxury. Put as much detail into your scenario as you can. |
Most importantly – In whichever technique you use, don’t see the scene – be in the scene. Imagine your scenario through your own eyes, in first person.
After you’ve done the steps above, you can just let it go. You have planted the seed of your manifestation into your subconscious and you can let it grow on it’s own. You have replayed the scenario each night before sleep and daydreamed and/or meditated about it during your awake times. It should almost feel like a memory now. You don’t need to imagine this scene all day, only when you are relaxed. And you don’t have to do it until it happens. Only until you’ve planted the seed which can take a few days or a little longer. We are each very different.
You will know for sure when your subconscious has fully gotten the message that you are trying to convey to it when you feel the overwhelming emotion of bliss as you think about your new life, health, love or whatever you desire in your life as if it’s already happened. That’s when you know you’ve successfully planted the seed. Let it go now and let it happen. The Universe will work out all the details of how to make it happen.
“Health, wealth, beauty, and genius are not created; they are only manifested by the arrangement of your mind that is, by your concept of yourself, and your concept of yourself is all that you accept and consent to as true.” ~ Neville Goddard