For the last few months I’ve been getting back to doing some simple, but really important things, for my health and well-being. Grounding, drinking lots of healthy structured water, and finding a quiet time to be alone and look within myself have been making me feel good. Sometimes it’s the simple things that can make a really big difference in your well-being.
My way to get back in touch with me is to get back to being alone with me. I like meditation and when I need to be quiet and alone with myself I visualize myself inside a completely quiet pyramid with soft lighting. I sit completely alone under the apex and I have no expectations. I just am. I do this quiet meditation, with no expectations, often.
Recently, I began to see a white circular shape in my quiet mind during meditations. It appeared at a distance and was shrouded in a white fog. Over the next few days, I began to see that white circle in my mind while in waking reality. It was like a thought that would come into my mind each day. I used my imagination to explore it. I saw myself drifting through it and I got comfortable with the vision of that circle in my physical mind. I knew it had significance.
I went to bed each night with an intent to explore the circle. I relaxed and began to experience the soft black shapes I normally see in the beginning of my meditations. I just let myself drift through the black. Soon I began to experience color and soft lights of energy fields around me and I just drifted. Then suddenly I saw the white circle in the middle of all that energy. It was white and very bright. It was beckoning me to come closer.
I didn’t think about it I just drifted towards that circle. I went through the strong energy field at its core. On the other side I had arrived in a beautiful place. I was high up overlooking a calm turquoise ocean with gentle waves flowing across a beach with bright white sand. In the distance there were spectacular mountains rising high into a bright vivid blue sky. There were no clouds in sight.
Homes of every kind imaginable dotted the landscape. Houses went up the sides of the mountains and the land around the homes was beautiful with green grass, flowers and landscaping of every variety, depending on the home-owner’s taste. It seemed like an endless vista of beauty.
When I turned back to the white circle I had passed through I could see that it wasn’t really a circle at all but shaped more like a horseshoe. The top had appeared to be solid but now I could see an energy current passing from one side to the other. When I focused on it I could see the entire current inside the horseshoe and it moved continuously in a circular motion.
I knew this place. It felt as if I had come here many times. I had a knowing that the circle of energy could be used as a target for anyone to visualize. Visualizing yourself floating through the circle of energy will balance, ground and heal the energy body and therefore the physical body as well. You simply visualize the energy circle and have the intent to use it when you go into any altered state, even just daydreaming. See it clearly in your mind and see yourself moving through it. Do this visualization of the energy circle right before falling asleep too.
Explore what’s beyond the circle!