Read the Entire Series – Journey To Knowing
Citizens of the Soul
While some of us find citizenship to be “surplus to requirements” for the pressing business of career and family, and others are so disgusted with the fabrications and deceptions of politics, religion and big business they happily drop out of any such commitment, some seek to be citizens of their society, however seemingly corrupted, striving to be informed and actively engaged with the issues and challenges of the day. Others seek to be citizens of the planet, embracing the ideals of multiculturalism, brotherhood and internationalism, hoping to replace hunger with plenty and strife with harmony. And yet others strive, in one way or another, to be citizens of the soul, that amorphous enigma inhabiting all forms with the sentient spark we have come to call consciousness.
Those others are us, on that inner journey of tiny discoveries that will, we assume, deliver us one day to the “palace of wisdom” that the poet William Blake posited as the destination of the “road of excess”, the us who continue to explore without maps, trusting that we shall uncover the truths that Krishnamurti asserted existed in the “pathless land” he was no longer willing, as of 1929, to be a guide for.
On that journey to knowing, minus the crutches of faith and external authority, we come to see that we exist not only apart from the body, but quite independent of the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and assumptions that provide definitions for ‘who we are’ in all these landscapes and societies that we parachuted into decades and centuries ago.
At one stage of our progressive revelation we see that we are the soul apart from the pushy, demanding ego and the vanity of personality, that we are unique despite the mythologies of dna and education that insist we are products of some all-too-clever assembly line or other. At another we come to know that we are travelers without passes or boundaries and that not only are our dear departed available for consultations, but celebrities, guides, angels and other highly evolved spirits can be contacted and benefited from. And if we pursue our explorations beyond our desire to sit back, take stock or rest on laurels, we can move toward a understanding of how intelligent sentience motivates all forms of nature and animal life, and that we, despite the arrogance bestowed on us by our baby steps in science, technology and philosophy, are but one species among many who are evolving to greater and greater levels of complexity in a multiverse that provides more mysteries than solutions.
Some of us, the more daring explorers, have come to see that all stars, planets and galaxies are in some way ensouled by beings who have graduated, bit and bit, to that level of responsibility. There may be no conscious contact or recognition as we fly by, thrilled with our temporary escape, yet we intuit the life lurking within, just as we did earlier on our journey, rafting on rivers and gazing at mountains. And those of us who have contacted the visitors from elsewhere have some understanding of where we fit in the bigger picture of “all that evolves to some type of graduation”. And those of us who have contacted the visitors from elsewhere have some understanding of where we fit in the bigger picture of “all that evolves to some type of graduation”.
Eventually we see the qualities of soul in all forms, – animal, vegetable and mineral as the old saying goes – and that consciousness is the tireless creator, ever bubbling up from some mysterious and seemingly untraceable source, and that the cosmic game we are playing a part in, if pursued with conscious intent, can really mold us into citizens of the soul.