Writing is very therapeutic. When you begin writing about a subject that’s important to you, time seems to be forgotten and you just write. It’s a form of meditation much like day dreaming. If you are very much into your writing you become so focused on the writing that you move into an altered state. Time is forgotten and the words seem to pour from your creative side.
Automatic Writing is also about placing yourself into an altered state but instead of writing about physical reality, your intention is to learn more about non-physical reality and most importantly, to have the ability to explore your very own subconscious mind.
The formal name for automatic writing is psychographics, the ability to produce writing from the sub-conscience while under a calm, trance-like state.
Your subconscious holds all the records of all of your lives, you have ever lived. Through automatic writing you can learn about your past, present and future. You can connect to loved ones and others who have passed and this is what most people think of when they think of automatic writing. They conjure up the image of allowing an entity to control your writing. If that’s your aim with automatic writing, you can do that. But, you can also use this ability to learn more about you. You can connect to your creative side to solve problems that you may be experiencing. Automatic writing helps “writer’s block” very quickly with most people too.
There were studies done with children. Each child was given the instruction to draw a picture of something while in an altered state using automatic writing. The children astounded the researchers with true, well drawn, and well understood art. Much of the art looked as though it was drawn by a professional artist with years of experience. You can tap into your creative side using automatic writing.
Automatic writing is simply allowing yourself to write without using conscious thought. When you practice it regularly you begin to gain a deeper connection with your subconscious. It’s important to have an intention of what you want to learn before you start writing and very important to put yourself into a relaxed and altered state.
I am designing a self-hypnosis audio that can be used to place yourself into a hypnotic state for the purpose of automatic writing. As you listen to the audio it draws conscious attention away from the writing, and allows you to flow and connect.
The new audio for Automatic Writing will be coming sometime in March. Before the automatic writing audio program goes live we have another excellent program for you that will be available on Sovereign Abilities even sooner!
Your Personal Journey Into The Akashic Records, will be available first! If you’ve ever had a question about your present lifetime, a previous, or future one, The Akashic Records are an energy library of every life you have ever lived, or will live. It is a record of you. You can tap into your creativity, gain enlightenment, and explore your past lives and future potentials by accessing your own Akashic records.
UPDATE: These audios and more have been added to our store.