Do you believe that we continue to exist after our physical death?
If so, is it possible to communicate with those family members and friends who have passed before us? I believe so, let me share how it has happened with me.
For some reason, I have been fascinated with the questions; where do we come from, and what happens to us after we die? For a long time I had no idea. I have heard about many different theories and read ancient scripts like, The Tibetan book of the Dead, but generally was confused about the question. Even though I had an interest I was also skeptical about it.
One day, just after doing a very long meditation, I felt an awakening. I sat down in front of the computer and somehow ended up reading a book by Michael Newton, Journey of Souls. Michael was a hypnotherapist and during his traditional practice, doing regressive hypnotherapy, he stumbled upon the phenomena of people remembering a past life. He was able to verify one of these.
It was during a time when this sort of phenomena wasn’t in the mainstream yet. Later he discovered people could not just remember their past lives, but also what happened to them between physical lives.
What was in the book had a ring of truth for me, I could sense it is real. I’m sure most visitors here have found their version of this phenomena; there are many authors who have written about this. Reading this book had a major effect on me, it awakened me even further, and also immediately lifted my long standing depression. It has given me a sense of purpose. I could see that even if our earthly lives sometimes don’t make sense here, there is a larger spiritual context from which challenges can be seen and understood.
I discussed this book with my father who was reluctant to believe it. I made a bet with him that after death he won’t lose his consciousness. I mentioned to him the kinds of signs deceased loved ones use once on the other side. I jokingly told him I will contact him through a psychic.
I have also found out about Near Death Experiences. There is a large collection of them at the website. People who have almost died but were brought back had amazing stories to tell. These two phenomena can’t really be explained by science. A neurosurgeon, Eben Alexander admitted that the theories they used for explaining it, based on our understanding of how the brain works, are inadequate. The experiences these people had while being unconscious have been verified many times. As they left their bodies they saw things and later remembered them; things they couldn’t have known without experiencing them. My grandmother and godmother both have had their NDEs and have shared them with me and it was real for them. In fact, even more real than life as we know it here. How can a reality be more real than the one we have here? As a result of her NDE my godmother received gifts. She became psychically sensitive to a certain extent although she wasn’t a professional psychic or medium. She was just a lot more intuitive and sometimes received messages that she had written down in her notebook.
A few years later my father passed after a long illness. It was on Friday, the 13th.
On the day of my father’s death, I called my godmother to inform her. After she put down the phone she prayed for my father and something happened that even she didn’t expect. A door opened up inside her mind and she could see my father and talked to him. My father told her not to worry about him because he feels wonderful. She saw him in a luminous, peaceful, and loving environment.
My godmother cried because something like that has only happened to her once when her mother passed, and not since then. It was comforting for our family to know he was okay. The next day after my father’s death, a pair of doves landed on a tree just a meter from our window. They stayed there for a few days. Birds were one of the signs that I told my father about while he was still alive. Now those beautiful doves were staying just within our view.
A few weeks later, on the day of the funeral, my godmother traveled to us to help us. She was in our kitchen preparing food and while talking to my brother, who asked her about this experience, she suddenly slipped into a trance-like state and could see my father again. This time it was even more powerful and she cried for a long time after it was over. My father was happy so we weren’t entirely devastated. My godmother isn’t delusional or a dishonest person, I knew she was telling the truth. It was even going against some of her Christian beliefs, yet she couldn’t deny it. The funeral was very touching, my father was an amateur musician all his life. His orchestra was playing a beautiful piece and the leader of the orchestra said a very touching speech. My godmother was feeling his presence at the funeral too. Meeting death with this perspective is very different. A sadness, tempered with joy, in the knowing his suffering has ended and he is in a much more fulfilling and loving place. It was better for him too.
A year after my father’s passing, I contacted a professional psychic medium. I had worked with her before and she is the real deal but that’s a story in itself.
The psychic could reach my father without knowing any of the above mentioned story. The first thing the psychic said was that my father is showing a “motherly woman”. As the psychic described her, it became obvious he was talking about my Godmother. My father was an engineer and was very good at math. As a hobby, he dabbled in physics. He had many physics books.
The psychic saw my father as someone similar to an academic that used scientific words just as he did during his life. He told a joke to her; he said, “I’m not Albert Einstein but I have found fault in his work”, lol. I asked him about our bet and if he still has an identity. I won! We have talked about personal issues through the psychic it was a healing experience for both of us, with many confirmations as well.
Another experience I had was with my cat. She was my pet for 20 years and I missed her after she died but she visited me in the dream state! Appearing in dreams is another method those that have passed can reach us. My cat was young and healthy and vibrant again and I could recognize her. Love and joy emanated from her eyes. Some would say it was just a dream, but I could feel her, I know it was her.
I think if we are open about the possibility that consciousness survives death and have a conversation or two about it with our elderly loved ones, in mysterious ways, it can open the doors for us to hear from them even after death. You don’t have to be a psychic. The opportunity is usually there, we just close ourself off to the possibility by thinking it’s impossible.
Even if others don’t believe in it, like my father, it can still plant a seed in them and make their passing easier. You can jokingly make a bet and agree on a sign. Later it can give you confirmation and peace during a challenging period. Devastating grief and sadness can hold them back from their journey. They feel your pain the same extent you do. You having a different perspective about death can make their transition easier as well.
You have nothing to lose by trying it.
Do you have a story to tell? If so, you are welcome to share it in the comments or if you can write an article, that would be great as well.