What is the difference between Hypnosis and Meditation?
Meditation is deep relaxation and hypnosis is also deep relaxation. While meditation can bring dramatic changes to your health, stress levels and well being, it takes a lot of daily practice to achieve a completely quiet mind. Guided meditation will allow for deep relaxation but achieving a quiet mind is really the goal with meditation. To get to that very quiet void inside, the journey must be solo and quiet so that eventually you can hear that very quiet voice inside you that is your inner-self.
Hypnosis can also bring about dramatic changes to your health, stress levels and well being. This has been scientifically proven in many studies. Unlike meditation, results can be achieved very quickly and sometimes with only one session. What makes hypnosis more effective than meditation is that there are well-placed suggestions added throughout the session. It’s known that when you hear a suggestion, of something that you want to do or achieve, while in a deep altered state, the suggestion goes into your subconscious and is very effective.
When people experience physical pain, depression, and other very serious issues, it’s important that they use a certified and clinically trained hypnotherapist. This usually involves an office visit where the practitioner can understand your issues then customize a hypnosis session just for you. This is usually very effective and even top athletics use a hypnotherapist at times to boost their game.
This brings us to Guided Self-Hypnosis. With the use of meditation the ultimate goal is to quiet the mind, in self-hypnosis, your own thoughts are used to guide you into deep relaxation and there are suggestions placed throughout the hypnotic session that help you achieve success with challenges you may be facing. A guided self-hypnosis is usually downloaded and can cover many subjects.
Guided self-hypnosis is very suitable for exploring consciousness. You will find that deep relaxation is achieved very quickly through the use of suggestion. Self-hypnosis is also very effective because you have chosen to use the method. You have made a conscious choice to allow yourself to go into hypnotic trance. This is why most people see very positive results, much sooner than through the use of meditation alone.
If you are a daily meditator I would urge you to continue that very important practice. But for those that, for whatever reason, can’t devote the time needed to achieve very deep states of consciousness through meditation, there is the power of self-hypnosis!
Using your own thoughts to deeply relax you then take you on a journey through your own consciousness, in a time of no time, you will see results very quickly in your explorations of consciousness.

Altered States of Consciousness
Achieve the MIND AWAKE – BODY ASLEEP state quickly
Six layers of sound are blended together to take you through different states of consciousness on this 45 minute audio (MP3) with no vocals. Starting off at an alpha frequency of consciousness, the audio m…