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Emerald Tablet Fifteen • Secret of Secrets
Tablet fifteen is a profound conclusion to the teachings of Thoth. It reveals hidden wisdom about the ultimate unity of existence and the divine connection between humanity and the universe. Thoth emphasizes the eternal journey of the soul through cycles of time and its evolution toward higher states of consciousness. He outlines the necessity of harmonizing the inner self with universal energies to access deeper truths.
The tablet conveys the importance of using one’s willpower to master the material world and ascend to spiritual understanding. It hints at ancient cosmic laws governing creation and the roles of higher beings in guiding humanity’s progress. Thoth also discusses the relationship between the physical and non-physical realms, encouraging readers to seek the “light” within themselves to align with the greater cosmic order.
Through his timeless wisdom, Thoth urges humanity to awaken their latent divine potential and reminds them of their role as creators in alignment with the divine plan.
Key Points of Tablet 15: “Secret of Secrets”
1. Unity of Existence:
• All things in the universe are interconnected, forming a unified whole.
• Recognizing this unity is key to spiritual understanding.
2. The Eternal Soul:
• The soul journeys through cycles of time, evolving toward enlightenment.
• The process is governed by cosmic laws and divine order.
3. Harmonization with Universal Energies:
• Aligning the inner self with universal forces allows access to hidden knowledge.
• This harmony is achieved through meditation, willpower, and understanding.
4. Mastery Over the Material:
• Control over the physical world is essential for spiritual ascension.
• The mind and spirit must dominate the material aspects of existence.
5. Cosmic Laws of Creation:
• The universe operates under specific, immutable cosmic principles.
• Understanding and adhering to these laws is crucial for spiritual growth.
6. Higher Beings as Guides:
• Advanced spiritual entities assist humanity in its evolutionary journey.
• These beings serve as custodians of ancient wisdom.
7. Inner Light and Divine Potential:
• The “light” within each person is a reflection of the universal divine.
• Awakening this inner light leads to spiritual empowerment and alignment with the cosmic order.
8. Humanity’s Role as Creators:
• Humans are co• creators with the divine, capable of shaping reality.
• Conscious creation must align with higher spiritual principles.
9. Timelessness of Knowledge:
• The wisdom of the Emerald Tablets transcends time and applies universally.
• Thoth’s teachings are a call to awaken and realize the eternal truth.
10. Responsibility to Evolve:
• Each soul is responsible for its own progression and spiritual awakening.
• By striving for higher understanding, individuals contribute to the upliftment of the collective consciousness.
Tablet 15 serves as a reminder of humanity’s divine origins, the journey toward spiritual mastery, and the boundless potential within each individual to align with universal truth.
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth – Tablet XV: Secret of Secrets (Full Text)
Now ye assemble, my children, waiting to hear the Secret of Secrets which shall give ye power to unfold the God-man, give ye the way to Eternal life.
Plainly shall I speak of the Unveiled Mysteries. No dark sayings shall I give unto thee. Open thine ears now, my children. Hear and obey the words that I give.
First, I shall speak of the fetters of darkness which bind ye in chains to the sphere of the Earth. Darkness and light are both of one nature, different only in seeming, for each arose from the source of all. Darkness is disorder. Light is Order. Darkness transmuted is Light of the Light. This, my children, your purpose in being: transmutation of darkness to light.
Hear ye now of the mystery of nature, the relations of life to the Earth where it dwells. Know ye, ye are threefold in nature, physical, astral, and mental in one. Three are the qualities of each of the natures; nine in all, as above, so below.
In the physical are these channels, the blood which moves in vortical motion, reacting on the heart to continue its beating. Magnetism which moves through the nerve-paths, carrier of energies to all cells and tissues. Akasa which flows through channels, subtle yet physical, completing the channels.
Each of the three attuned with each other, each affecting the life of the body. Form they the skeletal framework through which the subtle ether flows. In their mastery lies the Secret of Life in the body. Relinquished only by will of the adept, when his purpose in living is done.
Three are the natures of the Astral, mediator is between above and below; not of the physical, not of the spiritual, but able to move above and below.
Three are the natures of Mind, carrier it of the will of the Great One, arbitrator of Cause and Effect in thy life.
Thus is formed the threefold being, directed from above by the power of four.
Above and beyond man’s threefold nature lies the realm of the Spiritual Self.
Four is it in qualities, shining in each of the planes of existence, but thirteen in one, the mystical number.
Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers: each of the planes, thirteen in number; each different in progress, yet one in the ultimate intent.
There are three areas of existence created by the threefold forces, acting in harmony with the law. They are: the world of the physical, the astral, the mental. And above these, higher planes of spirit exist.
Here rest the sources of all creation, harmony and law maintaining balance, uniting all.
There rests the Great Flame at the center of the source, hidden yet ever emitting its radiance, the essence of all creation, the sustainer of life and thought.
This is the secret of life: the flame resides in all matter, in the bodies of man, and in all that exists. It is eternal, always burning with an unending light.
Seek ye the flame in your own hearts, and ye shall find the source of creation, your own true self.
Let thy thoughts flow freely, connecting thee to the Great Flame, for therein lies the ultimate truth.
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