When you pray, I may show up
I am brought to those who are asking for help. Maybe you are praying, or you have a situation unfolding in your world that is out of your control; it is spinning in a bad direction, and something must be done. I never know why I am brought to anyone. I know where to go, and we begin a conversation.
If it is a man who may even be slightly attractive to my taste, I can guarantee it will not be romantic. I am not the answer to your prayers, but I can help you figure it out.
What has been made amazingly clear is that there are people I see often, beautiful and brilliant souls moving about near me. I am not in any way interested in meeting them. I’ve paid attention to this lately. Some I may smile and say “hi,” but we may never converse. Those who need me find me. Those who are like-minded find me. Those who don’t need me will just be background actors. It’s beautiful.
When I come to you, what do I do? I am there to help you cross that line in the sand, keeping you from growth. That is all I do. I encourage you to identify what the line is, and then how you can cross that line is made clear. I often get messages that I dictate instructions as I can’t know what is going on in their world.
My final line in the sand that I had to cross was actually leaving my ex-husband. Walking out the door, saying we are done, and never looking back.
It was difficult for me because I was a child of poverty. I grew up poor, and I found myself in a comfortable lifestyle. Being comfortable financially did not make my heart feel good.
What I didn’t understand was as I was growing and expanding my consciousness, I was creating a big divide between where I was and where he was. Where he was when I met him was exactly where I was. I was happy and madly in love, but my growth was exponential. I couldn’t keep up with myself. I had no one else to compare me to because I saw no one else going through what I was going through.
I went through it, and then my life changed completely. It was the final big story I had to walk through for me to achieve the level of awareness I have. This level is called enlightenment.
After you choose to end a story and move beyond it, you get to see how well you played your part. If you lift the lid off and look at the madness through a removed lens, you can see the madness you created. It is brilliant.
You then understand why you chose this experience because you learned a huge lesson that you will always take with you. Now, you don’t have to learn this lesson again. You get to move beyond it. Then, the next exciting thing you planned will appear.
There is absolutely no fault, no problem. We come here to be fluid and move. We are made of energy, and energy can’t sit still. We come here to grow and move out of our stories. When we move out of one story, we walk into a new one that I promise will always be better than what you left behind.
In my experience, you people can’t walk out of your stories. You stay stuck. You park your spirits. You argue for your limitations and want to keep the story going. It is the most painful thing in your existence, but you keep choosing to remain stuck in the middle of a vicious circle. It will never stop until you stop it.
There is so much love, peace, harmony, and happiness when you move out of your story. When you’re stuck in it, you are sick. Other people are suffering, people die, people get hurt, people hate each other. There is so much undercurrent bubbling, all because one step has to be taken. But you won’t take that step.
It may be the most daunting and impossible thing you’ve ever experienced. Once you take that step, the second you agree with your higher self that you will make this move, you change. Everything changes. You are no longer at a crossroad; you have chosen a path. That is when the good stuff happens.
This move instantly straps on the balls and brings you to peace in the knowing you are making the shift. That moment is when you feel the freedom. It’s the commitment to it. That is when you are set free. That knowingness gives you the power to push beyond the step. That is what happens.
You have to agree internally that your life is pushed to a point where you will do anything to change it. Your emotional state will change immediately when you know you will make that change. You can’t believe that because you haven’t done it yet. I have. Multiple times.
For instance, my line in the sand when I left my first husband. After reading two books and feeling slightly empowered, even though I was thousands of miles from anybody, I made myself a promise. The line in the sand was clear. The next time this man threatened me with divorce, I would leave.
A few weeks later, when that moment came, because it always did, he said, “The next time you sing in public, we are getting a divorce.”
No sooner did the word divorce come out of his mouth when I felt angel wings wrap around my body. I felt light, I felt loved, and I felt an energy I had never experienced. I knew I could go to bed and sleep like a baby, and my world would be different the next day. And it was. I moved out; I changed the rules of the game drastically.
After I moved out, this big, strong man I feared had his tail between his legs, and he disgusted me.
Believe me, it wasn’t that easy, I mourned him for five years. This is why I do the work I do. I try to make this a quick bridge for you to get across.
When you cross that line in the sand and agree with yourself that you’re going to do that thing that you’ve been scared to do, you will feel the energy and the ability to blast through it. I promise you.
But you have got to take that step. You need to take that step to learn a lesson in this lifetime. I do not want you to re-experience some of the crap you’ve had to go through. But you are choosing it because you are not walking through it. That is all you need to do. Make the decision. Choose to move beyond it.
Here’s where the fun comes in for me. I am delivered to you, and I soon understand what we need to work on. And we go to work. I get messages from The Boss for you with instructions. But, rather than looking in the mirror and remembering what you need to do, you want to shut it down and kill me. You know why your kid won’t talk to you; you just won’t change the problem. You choose something that keeps you apart.
Because I showed you the fear in the mirror, it is easier for you to throw your anger and hostility at me. Making me the bad guy. I pissed you off and made you look at things you did not want to look at.
First of all, nobody can make anybody do anything. Nobody has control over you but you. If you are reading this, you can choose. Every single choice you make is your responsibility.
I come to you, and I shine a light on you. I put a mirror in front of you, showing you the fear you’ve been holding onto, the line you won’t cross.
My work started with simple stuff to ensure I knew what I was doing and to gain experience. And now I’ve been dropped in the middle of significant stories and life-altering experiences.
If you’re wondering how I could push myself enough to cross that line and get to this place, it was because my life really sucked. I was with a man for 28 years, the last story I went through. I had to walk out of almost 3 decades of an experience. The longer we stay stuck somewhere, the harder it is to move beyond it. But I did it. I knew I should have been gone for 15 years. But I stayed.
I pushed through by looking at my life and the choices I had made. I made some stupid choices. It came to me that I should try to shut my head up and allow something bigger than me to step in and point me in the right direction. My choices were making me sick. I was ill all the time. I hated my life because I was flailing. I knew I had to leave him because this was not my reality, but I had to walk away from so much comfort. What about our daughter? How do you do this?
I knew it would be a significant backward step for me, but that was only financially. That was just stuff. I could get beyond stuff quickly.
I completely surrendered, but I did not surrender to God. I did not have that word in my vocabulary yet. I surrendered to the universe, to source, to show me the way, because clearly I was not finding it on my own.
And that is when I started hearing. When I shut up. I went for long walks in the woods, and I started getting messages. One step at a time. All I would hear by listening was one step I needed to take, and I would do everything I could to take that one step.
When I moved beyond that step, another one showed up. Only one at a time.
Looking back, I realized all the planning I did my whole life was the problem. We only need one step. Once that step shows up, the next one will.
So, I surrendered. When I surrendered, I found my way to the Oregon coast. I found my way to live completely alone in isolation, where I could do nothing but surrender for over a year.
During that time, I met God and found out what my new career was on this planet. I live in total surrender, and it really does work. It brings you nothing but miracles. My life wasn’t working the way I was doing it, and I found out how to make it work. It took a year. And now I live in complete bliss and magic at all times.
That silence brought me to be a Messenger for God, helping people who, like me, have a line in the sand they need to cross.
I was sent to Maui on August 6, before the Lahaina fire. My energy was necessary to help the people on the island. I was there for 10 days. I still carry Maui with me. That was one of the heaviest experiences I’ve ever had.
As that story continues to unfold, I just wrapped up another story I’ve been involved in for quite some time. In the beginning (as always), they were happy to have my hands in the pie. They know how I work. They knew they had God on their side. They understood all of this.
If you know how I work, you know it will get ugly. I will push you to cross that line in the sand. Push will come to shove, and you will get to that junction where you must make a choice and act. You are cracked open like a raw egg. Then, I move away. What you do next is your choice. I am done with the story after I crack you open. The crack was my job.
In this case, they could not cross the line in the sand. It was a fear laden with memories, heartache, and history.
People don’t understand when they are in the middle of a story involving multiple parties that crossing this line would have set generations free. This would’ve unfolded ancestral damage for generations. The story on this planet has lasted 11 years, but it would have undone other lifetimes and set others free from long before. All of the players in this story depended on one action to be taken by one person. That was it. One conversation had to be had, and this story would be over.
This was a wild experience as it trickles down and affects everybody associated with a story. I saw firsthand how nothing will change in this environment, but one person in this story is free. The only one I was concerned about. Now I am done with this story.
And now, that means it is time for me to move on. After this experience, I cannot imagine what I will be handed. This one was heavy, but I handled it well. I can’t lose my direction or focus, as I have a powerful force behind me.
Everyone knows who has been involved in one of these stories with me; when I show you the mirror, most of you don’t like what you see. Rather than crossing the line and walking into your fear, you want to make me the bad guy. You want to shoot the messenger.
Fortunately, I work for the boss, so you cannot hurt me. And I know we don’t die anyway, so I have no fear. There’s nothing you can do to me. I am the puppet master on the other side, moving this body through this planet. Your puppet master is moving you. My puppet master is pleased with my work. What about yours?
After all these stories came to a head and I was set free, I was told to take myself out last night. And it felt good. I drove north to a place I’d never been, which happened to be Wine Wednesday, with live music! Living in a resort area, you should celebrate when you find a glass of wine for $4.00.
Today, I am to write this article, and then what happens next will begin to show up. My every moment declaration is no matter what I am told to do, I am always the last to know… but the first to go. Bring it on.