A spiritual journey is not for sissies and will be counter to everything and everyone before you. But, it is the road you must take. It is why you are on this big rock right now. It is the only reason.
You need to know there won’t be one person in your life right now who will accept or encourage this. They will suggest you seek counseling. Do things to feel better, like a hobby or a sport. But that going inside thing, and shutting everyone else out, scares the heck out of them. They can’t know what you are thinking, which drives them nuts. They can’t control you or give you direction if you don’t speak out loud or share your woes with them.
I guarantee a spiritual journey will move you beyond the relationships and situations you are currently in. It’s the law. It is growth. You cannot stop it. It’s all okay. You will all reconvene in the end and high-five each other for roles well played.
Your journey is the only one you came here to take. Why not start right now? There’s no time like the present. The longer you wait, the longer you have to wait for the good stuff you planned.
My journey has been overnight. In the fall of 2016, the first book about the Law of Attraction was handed to me. Pandora’s Box exploded. Six years later, I live full-time in the fifth dimension.
All I did to get here was I stopped using my head. I didn’t make lists or think about what I had to do, the past, or the future. Without any fear or worry about anything, I just simply surrendered. By not filling my day with a to-do list, it filled itself. The to-do list was merely a distraction to keep me busy, so I couldn’t start walking on my path. When we let everything else go and look ahead, the lights glow. We see our next steps.
I started by just following guidance. After a period of time, I realized the human brain was no longer engaged whatsoever. It couldn’t. It didn’t have a voice any longer – because I know why I am here. It doesn’t get to play games or distract me like it once did. It was once the only place I operated from, like most humans. It is such a waste of time. When you allow it to disengage, the beautiful stuff starts showing up.
In surrender, you go where you are guided to go. Over time, you no longer need to wait for guidance to tell you anything. It’s like using a new muscle you’ve developed. You only live from your higher self. You simply go where you need to go, each one step in front of the other, and whoa, the places you end up. The connections you meet. The human brain isn’t trying to entertain me with shiny objects or distractions to keep me from my path. I can’t listen, so it is taking a break.
Disengaging this part of yourself is the only way to get to what you are trying to hear yourself say. If the brain is always active and buzzing, you will never be able to hear anything with that phone in your face.
The only thing we are here to do on this planet (and I already hear a few former friends wanting to argue with me about this) is to get to this space. It is where any or everything that is a human construct that once created stress doesn’t exist. Everything is always abundant and handled, like money, bills, and health. Everything flows like a river.
The ones who want to argue with me are busy dealing with 401(k)s, retirement, health issues, etc. Of course, when you live in the brain, you can’t help but think about these things. How will you be okay if you don’t spend countless hours thinking about them? We are obsessed.
See the problem?
When you surrender and remember that all the world truly is a stage, you can live with a sense of humor and grace. You trust that God is wrapping you in your wings, and you know you will always be protected.
We come here to experience what we created on the other side. We come here to play in the clay and live in the land of wild opposites. After we learn our lessons (for those who learn them), we come to this 5-D space and enjoy the rest of our earthly existence. We get to ride the magic carpet we have been waiting to find.
Perhaps I was open to this because I didn’t have any religious upbringing or beliefs to scare me or lean me in another direction. What I do know is that you do not have to ever go to church to discover and walk alongside God directly.
When you walk with God, always in surrender, you don’t get his words diluted with multiple translations. They come directly from Source, and you know there are no errors. I will hear something coming from within to find it was exactly what someone else heard. We can’t make this stuff up.
Going to God and fully trusting our collaboration wouldn’t be anything but beautiful was the easiest thing I’ve ever had to do. Even though I had to give up every part of my life here on earth to do it. Once you realize the magnitude of why we are here – and that none of this is real anyway – why would you not trust it? It is what we planned to do. It was our end game.
The hardest part for most to grasp is that the other side of the veil is home. It is why people start seeing loved ones as they begin to transition back to non-physical. They see home waiting for them, cheering them on.
Home is where we know we are one with God. We know we are a magical and mystical spark of our creator. Imagine how fun it will be when you can start living from this lane while you are still on earth?
All the world truly is a stage. Join me, and let’s have fun.
Original art by, Cari Palmer. The image above illustrates the dimensions in which we live.