Immortality Unleashed
“Immortality Unleashed”, is a new series of essays, explorations and discussions of how this life looks once the bogeyman of mortality is bypassed by the discoveries and insights explored in the previous series, “Journey To Knowing”. Once we have expanded into eternity and immortality there is still the many shades of, “Well, what do we do now?”
Understanding the new and often invisible parameters to the many dimensions at our doorstep and coping with the excitements of psychic abilities and mental powers can be a tall order for the citizen still charting a career and raising a family. Even the retiree, like myself, with time on his hands, can be somewhat overwhelmed with all the possibilities beckoning from the horizon.
So, over the coming months we shall meander through the maze of new realities and old illusions and see if we can separate the wheat from the chaff, perhaps making two neat piles we can play with at recess.
We begin this new series by exploring Spontaneous Enlightenment. There are numerous accounts of spontaneous enlightenment spread throughout the mystical and esoteric literary archives. People who, with little or no warning, found themselves erupting into a new and expanded consciousness that could be as overwhelming as it was revelatory.
Spontaneous Enlightenment
Enlightenment at this level is far beyond the much prized serenity available during mindfulness meditation. It aims to destroy all your comfort zones before issuing a new map to the strange and vaguely threatening territories unveiled for your weak-kneed perceptions…