To know your inner self is to know who you really are. The ancient Mayans used mirrors to look into their inner selves. The mirrors were made with stone but they also used water. Water is life and so full of energy. It’s the perfect tool to look within yourself. This is training to open the door to your subconscious.

Your subconscious is separated from your brain. The subconscious believes you want to hold its knowledge in secret because the brain tells it to do so. To gaze into a reflective surface with the intent to know your inner self will open your subconscious in a short time.

The Mayans used obsidian to create reflective black mirrors to look within. They used their mirrors to connect to Universal Consciousness and you can do the same. A dark bowl of water will work just as well as a stone mirror. Wait until the house is quiet and get a stone mirror, if you have one, or use a dark bowl of water. Both will work the same. You will need a candle for this “look within” if you do it at night.
To set up, place your mirror/bowl in front of you on a table. If it’s dark outside light your candle and place it where it gives you some light but does not reflect in the mirror/bowl and turn out the lights. If it’s still daylight then no candle needed. Turn off the lights and let in the light from a window. It’s best to use natural forms of light for this method.
A dark bowl of water will work just as well as a stone mirror. Wait until the house is quiet and get a stone mirror, if you have one, or use a dark bowl of water. Both will work the same. You will need a candle for this “look within” if you do it at night.
To set up, place your mirror/bowl in front of you on a table. If it’s dark outside light your candle and place it where it gives you some light but does not reflect in the mirror/bowl and turn out the lights. If it’s still daylight then no candle needed. Turn off the lights and let in the light from a window. It’s best to use natural forms of light for this method.
Gaze at the shiny surface. Don’t stare but let your eyes go soft and simply gaze into the surface. Let your mind drift off and begin to quiet itself. Keep your eyes on the surface and blink anytime you need to. You don’t have to be completely still, just comfortable.
Now you will connect to Universal Consciousness. Think of your intent; what it is that you came here to see? Feel emotion when you think of your intent. If you have a hard time feeling emotion just think of something or someone you absolutely love. Think of how you feel when you get a hug or when someone does something kind for you.
These feeling will bring strong emotion and emotion takes you deep inside yourself. Feel and imagine your intent as it comes up through the center of your brain.
Now use your imagination to open the door. Your imagination is part of your creative side and this is the door to your subconscious. Let your mind drift into a daydream. The images will appear as transparent when they come. Bring your intent forward in your mind now and drift into the reflective surface. See and feel what is there.
This deep look into your inner self should be done as often as you have the time. The time you spend is up to you. You will find that when you need answers about anything at all, you will find them inside of yourself.