If you’ve been following our Two-Week Meditation, you now understand how to relax yourself and you are learning to quiet your mind. The quiet mind is our next focus. When you quiet your thoughts you can start to hear that very, as yet, tiny voice inside of you. That is your subconscious and when you quiet your daily thoughts, your subconscious will give you very subtle messages. That little voice is the real you. The inner-self.
I have three downloads for your final steps in, The Art of Meditation
Meditation for Restoration – The Sanctuary of Your Inner World
By Lee Harris “In the chaos of these fast-moving times, it’s easy for us to get caught up in the madness of the external world and find ourselves rapidly depleted. Self-care and restoration are needed now – perhaps more than ever before – as we navigate the changes playing out on the world stage, structures we have known falling away, and the shifting frequencies now hitting our planet.
“It is important to let yourself restore as often as you can; to recognize this train is on the rails and it is not slowing down, but you can. In fact, it will be vital for you to slow down as often as you need to in order to calibrate yourself to new energy.”
Meditation for Restoration – The Sanctuary of Your Inner World is a channeled message designed to help you push the pause button on the noise of the world and return to the stillness of your home inside yourself.
Lee and The Zs, supported by the magical music of Davor Bozic, gently guide you into accessing this inner refuge that allows you to step back deeply into the heart of yourself as a soul – and is always available to assist in bringing your soul back to zero point so that you can show up in the world again and respond.
“Restoration will become the superpower of the coming years.”
Running time: 40 minutes
[download id=’9361′]
The final two meditations are simply, quiet time. One is five minutes in length and the other is twenty minutes in length. The sound of bells is first heard then complete silence for the full meditation until the end in which bells alert you to come back to reality. You can also create your own quiet time or add music. iTunes is perfect for creating your own customized meditation. Use music with no words, or your brain will stay active, and try to use music your are not familiar with. That just keeps that brain sleeping since it doesn’t know to expect in music. Create a playlist and set your timing to use for your meditations.
Or use these:
[download id=’9368′]
[download id=’9372′] |
I hope you’ve liked our Two Weeks of helpful downloads to get you on a foundation for daily meditations. Feel free to use any of the downloads, in any order, or create your own meditation.