A few years ago I was wondering if it is possible to receive a sign from the Universe. One day I was really frustrated when going home from my job and suddenly came up with the idea that I would like to ask for a sign. A specific sign; I decided it to be a white elephant. If it is possible to work with, “You Universe” then show me a white elephant in a way that really catches my attention.

I didn’t tell anyone about it and even forgot about my request from the Universe myself after a while. Some weeks later, we were walking with my brother and he suddenly pulled a newspaper out of a bin and said, “look this is a white elephant!”. There was a small white elephant! My brother had no reason to tell me about the elephant, he didn’t know about my request to the Universe and never had done anything like that before. It was a jaw dropping experience for me.

The timing of it was interesting as well because the day before this incident I had a psychic reading and wondered if it was possible to get confirmation of these things told by the psychic. I wondered if psychic abilities are even real. The white elephant has popped up in remarkable ways since then.
This set me on a journey; I learned that it is possible, and easy, to get answers to your questions. I read a book by Robert Moss, Sidewalk Oracles. One of the methods he teaches is called, pose a question to the world. You ask a question and then walk with eyes open to see if anything unusual happens during your everyday life. So, I asked is this sidewalk tarot a real thing?
The next day I found a card on the sidewalk, it was The Fool Tarot. If one is open to it, many answers can come this way. I could do it repeatedly. Another technique is to ask a question then open any book randomly and the first thing you read is the answer. Sometimes the answers are shockingly accurate, even the same wording has been used as in the question.
Someone I knew was struggling with self worth. She said she was not worthy of love. She wanted to see if anything would pop up if she tried this technique. She opened a book randomly and the first paragraph she read was, “he didn’t know it but he was so worthy of love, everybody had something good to say about him”.
Another method, is the synchronicity walk. You just go for a walk and go to places you feel like using your intuition or you can even roll a dice if you are not sure. Pay attention and see if anything unusual happens. It works and strange things will happen. The first time I tried this method, I ended up in an organic market and met a lady I haven’t seen in a long, long time. She recognized me and told me she is now selling a supplement she believes in. It has various plant extracts in it. Normally I would turn something like that down, but since it was a synchronicity walk, I tried her product and after 2 weeks it healed my long standing gum disease! I wasn’t expecting it, and was very surprised.
I found an equivalent of 100 dollars on another walk. Once one has some success with these methods, he can extend these coincidences to others to create shared coincidences. Another time when I tried this method, I spent a day with a couple and they drove me to a place. I tried an experiment. I thought that while they are with me, let them have synchronicity. While driving, they saw their previous car they sold a year ago! It really caught their attention. They hadn’t seen it since they had sold it.

Since that time, I could extend synchronicities to others on many occasions. It can be very cool. I even had one with Vickie who created this website and she was very surprised! Synchronicities can show you if someone is a good match for you in business, or friendship, or in relationships. If you meet a new person and you start having synchronicities with him/her, that is a good sign that the person has a place in your life and can teach you something important.
If you want to increase these synchronicities in your life, a good way is to have a journal and write them down. Be open and willing to go out of rigid structured ways of thinking and pretend like it’s playing a game. After a while you can get jaw dropping coincidences on a regular basis.
Synchronicities can bring new activities, people, and things in your life that are good for you. It’s easy to shut them down out of habitual ways of being. If you are stuck in your comfort zone, it can bring you much needed growth but without being reckless. You need to be willing to try new things that can feel a bit uncomfortable at first. There are many good books on this subject, like “Sidewalk Oracles”, but you don’t really need them, you can start this today.

Just ask for the white elephant or any other specific sign you like and let the Universe surprise you. It can make your life more interesting and meaningful. It can bring you gifts you would miss otherwise. Its easy and free!