We invite you, to share your experiences, opinions and knowledge about all things in the metaphysical realm. Write a Post!
Gordon Phinn
Gordon Phinn’s practice includes regressions (past and LBL), life readings, spirit guidance, and distance healing.
Ric Harris
Harris was an author on Reality Unmasked. He was a lifetime explorer of consciousness in his physical lifetime on Earth and continues to expand his awareness from across the veil.
Jse Martinez
Jse is an experienced astral traveler with many years of practice. His Facebook group, Astral Projection Techniques, has over 20K in members.
Justin Phillips
I’ve been a writer and vivid dreamer since childhood. Then in 2017, my dreaming experience changed to include lucid dreaming, false awakenings and OBE’s. I crave exploration and hope to pioneer this field in any way possible.