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Emerald Tablet Twelve • The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy
Tablet 12 of The Emerald Tablets of Thoth, titled, “The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy”, delves into profound spiritual principles governing the universe. Thoth explains that reality is dictated by the law of cause and effect, where every action has a consequence, and that nothing occurs by mere chance. He reveals that time, as humans perceive it, is an illusion, with past, present, and future existing simultaneously. By transcending time, one can gain insight into all events as a whole.
The soul is immortal, capable of moving between dimensions and existing beyond time and space. Thoth speaks of the “flame of the soul,” a divine consciousness that remains eternal. The universe follows vast cycles of time, with civilizations rising and falling in accordance with these cosmic rhythms. By understanding these cycles and the law of cause and effect, individuals can gain the ability to foresee future events through prophecy.
Thoth encourages mastery over destiny by aligning with universal laws, enabling one to shape their future consciously. He speaks of transcending duality, where good and evil, light and dark, are seen as aspects of a greater unity. Those who raise their consciousness can unlock the key to prophecy, gaining wisdom and foresight into future events.
Ultimately, the teachings guide individuals toward transcending the limitations of the physical world and achieving immortality through spiritual enlightenment.
Important Key Points from Tablet Twelve
1. Cause and Effect: Thoth emphasizes that the universe operates according to the law of cause and effect. Every action or thought creates a corresponding result, and nothing happens by chance.
2. Time as an Illusion: Time is described as an illusion or a construct, with past, present, and future existing simultaneously. Thoth suggests that enlightened beings can transcend time and view all events in a single moment.
3. Soul’s Immortality: The soul is eternal and immortal, capable of transcending time and space. Thoth refers to the ability of the soul to move between different planes of existence.
4. The Eternal Flame: Thoth speaks of the “flame of the soul,” which is connected to the divine and never extinguishes. This eternal flame represents spiritual consciousness that can navigate through dimensions and time.
5. The Cycles of Time: The universe follows great cycles of time, known as the Ages, which bring about both destruction and rebirth. Thoth explains that the rise and fall of civilizations are linked to these cosmic cycles.
6. Knowledge of Prophecy: Thoth shares the knowledge of prophecy, implying that through understanding the cycles of time and cause and effect, one can foresee future events. He encourages the development of intuition and higher perception.
7. Mastering Destiny: Humans can become masters of their own destiny by understanding and applying the law of cause and effect. By aligning with universal laws, one can consciously shape their future and avoid negative outcomes.
8. The Mystery of Duality: The tablet discusses the duality inherent in all things—light and dark, good and evil. Thoth encourages transcending duality to see the unity behind apparent opposites.
9. The Key of Prophecy: Thoth holds the key to prophecy, which can be unlocked by those who raise their consciousness and seek wisdom. It is a spiritual journey toward enlightenment, where time and events can be understood in their totality.
10. Transcending Mortality: By mastering the laws of the universe, especially cause and effect, individuals can transcend their physical limitations and experience eternal life in the higher dimensions.
These key points offer a glimpse into the spiritual teachings in Tablet 12, focusing on mastery over the physical and temporal planes through understanding universal laws.
Here is the full text of Tablet 12 of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, titled “The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy”:
The Law of Cause and Effect and The Key of Prophecy
List ye, O man, to the words of my wisdom,
list to the voice of Thoth, the Atlantean.
Conquered have I the Law of Time-Space.
Knowledge have I gained of the future of time.
Know I that man in his movement through space-time
shall ever be One with the All.
Know ye, O man, that all of the future
is an open book to him who can read.
All effect shall bring forth its causes
as all effects grew from the first cause.
Know ye the future is not fixed or stable
but varies as cause brings forth an effect.
Look in the cause thou shalt bring into being,
and surely thou shalt see that all is effect.
So, O man, be sure the effects ye bring forth
are ever causes of more perfect effects.
Know ye the future is never in fixation
but follows man’s free will as it moves
through the movements of time-space toward its goal
where a new time begins.
Man, can ye not see that effects shall ever change
as ye change your thoughts and actions?
Future, in reality, is the present moving
through time-space toward the place where thou art.
Ever thy destiny shall bring thee
what thou hast created within thy soul.
Cease ye then from your striving to change the future.
Seek ye to make your present the perfect.
Know ye the future is but the result of the present
and so shall thou change it by changing thy present.
Cause and effect dominate the reality of existence.
Seek to raise your vibration,
harmonize with the perfect law,
and live in harmony with it.
Then, thy destiny shall be a bright one
and the future shall be as the present.
List ye, O man, while I speak of the future,
speak of the effect that follows the cause.
Know ye that man in his journey
lightward is ever seeking escape from the night.
Even as I spoke from the dawning of wisdom,
so shall I speak of the coming of day.
Know ye, O man, before ye attain this knowledge
that darkness shall fall and the light arise.
Great shall be the struggle ‘twixt the forces,
the forces of dark and the forces of light.
Ye, when the darkness is conquered
and all the men shall walk through the light,
I shall emerge from the dawning
and the darkness shall fall as one with the light.
Seek ye, O man, to be the best among men,
to be like the One who is perfect,
by listening to my wisdom.
Follow my teachings and all shall be well.
Ever by your free will shall ye move
onward, ascending through time and space.
Man, let not your heart be troubled.
The future is open to those with eyes to see.
Seek ye to raise your vibration,
and harmonize with the perfect law.
Let not the shadows obscure the light,
but always let the light flow around you.
Know ye, O man, that all of the future
is not as it seems to the mind of man.
Open your eyes to the illusion of matter,
and cast off the darkness of the night.
Free your mind from the veil of illusion,
and see ye the future as it is.
Know ye the Law of Cause and Effect
is the law of the Universe and man.
Only by knowledge and wisdom
shall ye conquer your future.
Let ye, O man, seek to unravel the mysteries
that are ever hidden from men of the world.
Learn ye that the mystery of the future
is but the knowledge of the law of cause and effect.
Know ye that when ye have gained this wisdom,
all shall be open before thee.
The future shall ever be a part of the present,
and the present a part of the past.
Man, as ye move through your cycle of time,
know ye that all is not as it seems.
Free your soul from the bonds of darkness,
and arise from your bondage.
Know ye that ye shall rise ever upward
’till ye are one with the light.
Know ye that ye shall find the mysteries of time
in the moment when ye shall be free.
Cease ye then to fret about your future,
and know that the cause is ever in your hands.
Seek ye not to change your destiny,
but seek to attain knowledge and wisdom.
Move ye through the laws of time and space,
and harmonize with the laws of the universe.
Then shall ye master your destiny,
and ever shall ye rise in the Light.
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There is a place beyond time where the Masters guard the secrets of existence—the Halls of Amenti. I have channelled, directly through Thoth, a powerful initiation; it is an activation, a direct transmission of energy that awakens the depths of your soul’s knowing. As you listen, the frequencies will attune you to higher consciousness, unlocking ancient wisdom and shifting your reality in ways you never imagined. Are you ready to remember? Step beyond the veil and experience the transformation for yourself.
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