Developed by Dolores Cannon during the late 1960s, Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) began as an experimental attempt to use hypnosis to heal the body and mind. QHHT is a method that establishes direct communication with the subconscious and results include an infinitely expansive knowledge of oneself as well as providing the basis of a complex and multifaceted healing technique.
Like many people, I read all of Dolores Cannon’s books and was blown away from all that she had learned, and written about, by hypnotizing people into remembering their past lives and healing. She found so many interesting events through hypnosis that when she began offering classes to learn her method, I signed up. I took her courses and classes in 2014; the year Dolores left her physical body and moved across the veil. I have a level II certification in QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy).
I never went into practice but instead took Dolores’ certification just to learn her method and experience some of what she did with her subjects through hypnosis. I found hypnosis to be very useful and while I didn’t go into practice, I did a few sessions for people and I’ve placed a portion of two sessions below.
Below are a few partial sessions: